Chapter 33: Starting Over

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33. Starting Over

I pressed a few notes on the piano sitting in a corner and sighed. I missed Shawn. Badly. But this time I was the only thing in the way. It wasn't my fault, I guess I was a little insecure. Stupid, I know. The doorbell rang and I stood up as I was the only one downstairs. When I peeped through the hole, I hesitated. What was she doing at my house.

"Khalan?" Melanie called from outside. "It's me...Melanie. I know its very unexpected but I need to talk to you."

I didn't make a sound.


I slowly opened the door, but I said nothing. I only looked at her face.

"Can I...please come in?" she asked.

I nodded slightly and stepped aside, allowing her to step in.

"You can take a seat anywhere," I told her when I escorted her in, finally speaking.

She smiled nervously. "Thanks."

I sat opposite her. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm sure you can guess the topic of conversation right?" she said. "Though I'm not here as some overly obsessed jealous ex." you noticed it too.

"I come in peace," she continued with a smile.

"Okay...," I trailed off, beckoning her to continue.

"Right," she says and sighs. "Look, Shawn and I had something back then, but it was nothing like you two have now. Never in a million years would I have thought Shawn Mitchell would have eyes for only one girl. I was the closest thing he had to a girlfriend and we barely even had a real relationship. When I walked back into his life he was different...better. And I didn't like that. He had moved on without me...with you. But you're good for him Khalan, much better than I ever will be. Shawn, he's had this tendency to crumble under the weight of the world ever since his mother died but that's not who he is now, and that's because of you."

I analyzed what she was saying. "Wait a minute...are you...encouraging me to get back together with Shawn?"

"Not encouraging," she answered. "I'm telling you. "Forget everything I've said. Shawn needs you, okay, and he loves you. And I'm pretty sure you feel the same way."

"Um...okay?" I said, uncertain of what was happening.

She stood up slowly. "Well now that I've got that off my chest I guess I'll be on my way."

"Why now?" I asked her. "Why the sudden change of heart?"

She smiled wryly. "I guess I decided to move on too."

"Another thing," I said as she prepared to leave. "I saw you and Connor arguing in the hallway the other day. What was that about?"

She chuckled. "Relax, he's not up to anything. Neither of us are. That argument came up when he confronted me on your behalf. He's still a good guy." She smiled once more and walked out.

"Melanie," I called before closing the door. "Thanks."

She only nodded and went her way. I shut the door and leaned against it, absorbing whatever just went down.

Shawn needs you.

Hell yeah I need him too.


I figured the best place to talk to Shawn was at his house during the weekend. It was Harper's birthday party. I got an invite months ago but with the way things were turning out I didn't think I'd make it there.

I slowly walked into the backyard holding the gift I bought. I spotted Shawn with his sister. Harper's eyes fell on me and she came dashing at once, hugging me.


I laughed. "Happy birthday Harper."

Her smile widened when she saw the wrapped present. "Is this for me?"

"As a matter of fact it is," I smiled.

"Awesome," she squealed.

"What do you say to Khalan?" her brother's voice sounded.

She grinned at me and I noticed she was missing a tooth. "Thanks."

"You're welcome," I said in response.

"Why don't you go put that down and stop Freddie and Liam before they eat your cake," he told her quietly.

"Hey!" she whined before running off.

I chuckled.

Shawn turned to me. "Thanks for coming. It means a lot to her. I know you did it to make her happy."

"Well," I began. "I came for Harper but that's not the only reason why I'm here."

He looked a bit puzzled. "What?"

"Oh hey Khalan," Logan interrupted before I got a chance to speak. He paused. "I just interrupted something didn't I?"

I chuckled. "No it's fine. Hi Logan."

"Mate Isabelle needs one of us to help with something," he told Shawn.

"Why can't you go?" Shawn asked.

"Because I just wiped some kid's vomit off my shoes. I need a break," he replied.

He winked at me and patted his brother on the shoulder before walking away.

"Go," I told him. "It can wait. I'll be around."

He nodded and took off as well and I proceeded to look for Jacob and Liam.

It was a fun day. I was glad I went, though I never had my conversation with Shawn. I stayed back a bit with the guys when it was over.

"Michaels," I heard Shawn call.

I turned and walked to meet him. "Hey."

"Who knew a seven year old's party could be so tedious?" he joked.

"It is when that seven year old is Harper Mitchell," I said and he laughed a bit.

I wanted to speak but didn't, but he caught me.

"What are you thinking?" he asked.

"Nothing big," I answered. "Just that if your mom were here she'd probably be really proud of you."

"You're going to make me cry Princess," he joked and I laughed.

"Anyway you wanted to talk to me earli-"

I shut him up and just kissed him right on the lips.

"That's basically a summary of what I wanted to say."


"Believe it or not Melanie was the one who talked the sense into me," I explained. "I still don't completely trust her but she's not so bad."

He chuckled and pulled me into another kiss. "I love you Michaels. Don't ever forget that again."

I smiled and hugged him. "I love you too."

"Yeah if you two are done there we still kinda need some help clearing up," Carson yelled at us.

Shawn rolled his eyes and I laughed, pulling him along. I guess we were finally starting over.


The story is gradually coming to an end. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this.

- amani

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