Chapter 28: We're All On This Ship

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28. We're All On This Ship

"Khalan," he said.

"What is going on?" I asked, shocked. "Are you two-?"

"Kinda," Shayley replied sheepishly.

"And I was going to hear about this when?" I continued.

They stayed silent.

"Oh," I realized. "So you were just going to see each other behind my back. Nice move."

I scoffed and walked out.

"Wait!" Shayley called after me.

Charlie grabbed my hand and forced me to stop. "Khalan."

"See this is why I didn't want to tell you. You'd freak out and think it's weird. I didn't want anything to change between all of us," Shayley said.

"Are you for real?" I scoffed. "You really don't get it do you?"

"Get what Khalan?" she asked. "Clearly I was right about your reaction."

I forced myself out of Charlie's grip. "It's surprising how both of you don't know me enough."

I walked away, annoyed. I always knew she had a crush on him but they sneaking around because they didn't trust me to support them actually hurt my feelings. And so I ignored them till everyone left and then I retired to my room.


I walked into the house in my white dress. It was silent. These guys were probably planning something in the backyard.

I stepped out and my face dropped. Why was everyone crying? Why was I dressed in white while they were all in black?

I approached my parents. "Dad? What is this?

It was like he was deaf. He wasn't hearing anything I was saying, and I was starting to panic.


My hand flew right through her when I tried to tap her.

"What's happening?" I whispered to myself.

I took a few more steps forward, seeing all my family and friends. Charlie, Em, Austin...everyone. Shawn. I looked forward and saw a casket. I gulped, opening it.

"Oh my God," I gasped. It

The corpse's eyes flew open but all I saw was bright yellow. Like...headlights. The lights grew brighter.

"No!" I screamed. I needed to get out of here.


I sat up, panting. That was by far the scariest nightmare I had had. I wiped the sweat off my forehead with the back of my palm and got out of bed, going straight to my drawer. I pulled out one of the anxiety pills and swallowed it dry. It hurt my throat but I needed it. Sighing, I ran my fingers through my hair. I spotted the box Shawn gave me and took out the necklace. I was willing to try anything. I put the necklace on and went back to bed, managing to fall asleep after a while.


"Oh come on Khalan, you've been ignoring her all day," Austin pleaded on Shay's behalf after school closed.

"She needs to learn a lesson about not trusting me," I said.

I sighed when I noticed her walking towards us.

"Khalan," she said. "Please talk to me. Look Charlie and I aren't going to stop-"

"Wait a minute," I stopped her. "You think I want you guys to break up?"

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