Chapter 19: Just Feed Her

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19. Just Feed Her

Shawn's Pov

Two days. It had been two days since the accident. And Khalan was still unconscious.

"Okay if you don't stop fidgeting I'm going to conclude that you're on drugs," Liam remarked.

I stopped bouncing my leg up and down and sighed. "I'm freaking out okay? It's been two days."

"Shawn she's going to wake up, it'll be fine," he said.

"That's what you said yesterday," I muttered.

I sighed again. "I'm skipping last period, I'm going there right now."

"What? No," he told me. "Mr. Saunders will be here any second now. Look, just sit it through. The day will be over before you know it."

It didn't seem that way. In fact minutes felt like hours. Trust me it took ages for a clock to turn from 2:59 to 3:00 when you're staring at it like it's the last freaking box of pizza on earth. Great, now I'm hungry.

I left as soon as the bell went, clearly not wasting any time.

"Hey, Shawn!" someone yelled as I approached my car.

I stopped and turned, tensing up when I saw who it was.

I watched as Connor jogged the distance to meet me.

"Are you going to see Khalan?"

"Yes?" I answered, it coming out as more of a question.

"I...well I wanted to know if she's...better," he began. "I can't visit her today know...just wanted to see if there was any good news today-"

"Yeah I get it," I snapped.

He chuckled.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Nothing," he quickly replied.

I folded my arms. "Doesn't seem like it."

He chuckled again and shook his head. "I just think it's amusing how you see me as such a threat when I'm really not."

Was he trying to push my buttons?

"I don't see you as anything."

"Then why do you get so mad everytime you see us together?" he smirked.

"Shut up Connor," I snapped.

"And that's a lot given the amount of time we spend together. I honestly think you should let her go Shawn. She wants to be happy."

I shook my head before giving him a small smirk of my own. "No, I'm not playing this game with you. The one where you force me to say or do something I know I'll regret. Now as much as I don't like you goldilocks, I will say that there's some good in you if Khalan's your friend. Because that's what Khalan does. She looks for the good in people and she finds it. But make no mistake Connor, I see your bad sides too. I see the sort of game you're playing. Letting her believe you're this different guy who's just in it for friendship. Where you pull all these stunts to seem like her knight in shining armour while you come at me behind her back."

He clenched his jaw. "If anything Shawn, your actions make me look good. I really don't have to do anything."

I laughed. "You want me out of the picture because you like her. Don't even try to deny that. I see the way you look at her. And I know because it's the same damn look I have in my eyes everytime I'm with her. So you better get a frame and hang it up since you'll be looking at that picture for a long time. Because news flash goldilocks, I'm not going anywhere."

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