Chapter 32: Pin The Tail On The Devil

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32. Pin The Tail On The Devil

Shawn's POV

I was very confused after my conversation with Michaels. Something was going on with her and I intended to find out what it was.

When I got home after therapy I went straight to the kitchen. Isabelle was chatting with Lilah when I walked in.

"Oh hey Shawn," Isabelle said.

"Hey," I responded before raising an eyebrow at Lilah. "You and Carson are home again?"

"Just me," she told me. "I am planning a wedding after all."

"Liam came by," Isabelle said. "He's outside playing with Harper."

I chuckled and started to leave but I turned back. "Actually since you're both here, I need help with something. Someone actually, Khalan."

They smiled at each other and I rose an eyebrow. "What?"

Isabelle shook her head. "Nothing big. It's just months ago Shawn Mitchell would've never gone to anyone about anything."

"Yeah well Dr. Parker says it's good to talk so here I am I guess," I shrugged.

"Alright," Lilah said. "Let's have it. What did you do?"

"Nothing," I replied. "That's the confusing part. She won't tell me what's going on. She even used that cheesy it's not you it's me line on me."

"Well then it's probably not you, it's her," Lilah chuckled.

"Has she seemed bothered by anything lately?" Isabelle asked.

"No, she was fine when we went to the lodge," I answered.

"You sure you didn't say anything to her?" Lilah asked. "Sometimes guys say dumb things and don't realize."

"They're really stupid sometimes..." Isabelle nodded in agreement.

I rolled my eyes. "No I-"

"Oh hey, you're here," Liam interrupted, walking in with Harper in his arms.

"Why do you two look so dirty?" Isabelle questioned.

"Oh...yeah that," he began. "You may need a new garden."

"Liam did it," Harper quickly pointed.

He narrowed his eyes at her. "Sneaky little girl."

"I should have known," Isabelle sighed. "Same thing happened during her playdate with Luke."

Liam arched an eyebrow. "Who's this...Luke?"

"Her friend from school."

He turned to Harper. " you're seeing other guys behind my back?"

Her lips formed a smirk that would've made any older brother proud.

"So what's up?" he asked, picking a bottle of water out of the refridgerator.

"Shawn has girl problems," Lilah was quick to answer with a smug smile.

"When does he not?" he laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "Has Khalan been acting weird lately?"

"Nope," he smiled. "She's great. She even took me out for ice cream the other day."

"You're such a child," I chuckled.

"Call me what you want but I'm the one who had two large cups of ice cream," he grinned before pouting. "She wouldn't let me have a third 'cause she thought I'd get a sugar rush."

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