Chapter 3: More Like Creepy Gesture

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3. More Like Creepy Gesture

"I'm going to tell you something and I need you to promise me you won't freak out," Shawn suddenly blurted when he sat down next to me at lunch.

"Well hello to you too."

"Michaels..." he pressed on.

"Shawn..." I mimicked him.

"Dude, just tell her whatever it is already," Jacob said.

Shawn sighed. "Mel texted me. Thanks to Freddie she has my number. Apparently she transferred. She starts school here next week."

I dropped my fork.

" mean crazy Mel?" Liam asked.


"Well that'll be interesting won't it?" Jacob chuckled.

"Oh shut up Jacob," Shayley jumped in. "Khalan, it'll be fine."

Austin spoke up. "Who's this Melanie girl?"

"Shawn's ex who's still obsessed with him," Jessica was quick to answer.

Shawn rolled his eyes. "Okay she's not obsessed."

"She stalked you for weeks to find where you live and showed up unnanounced," Liam deadpanned.

"It was a kind gesture."

"More like creepy gesture," Shayley snickered.

"Oh come o-"

"Would you guys just shut up already?" I spoke. Up until then I still hadn't had a word in this. "It's nothing, I'm fine."

"So you're cool with it?" Jessica asked.

I took a sip of water. "Yup...I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Shawn asked again.

I looked at him. "I'm sure."

Khalan Amelia Michaels, you're such a liar.


The long awaited day finally came. The next Monday. I really didn't know how it was going to go or why I was so nervous. Was I going to like her? Probably not. Was she going to like me? Maybe, but I wasn't counting on it.

"Relax," Shayley told me. "It' fine."

"Yeah, you have nothing to worry about," Jess added. "Shawn's head over heels for you."

I smiled a bit at that. "I guess you're right. I probably don't have anything to worry about."

We approached my locker and from a diatance I could see Shawn leaning against it, waiting for me.

I kissed him on the cheek. "Hey."


"So where's Melanie?" I teased and then laughed when I sensed his uneasiness. "I'm kidding, and don't be so nervous."

"Says the girl who was practically chewing her fingers off a few minutes ago," Jessica snorted.

I turned to her with a sarcastic smile. "You can leave now."

She rolled her eyes and grabbed Shayley's arm. "Whatever, goodluck today."

Both of them left and my attention drifted back to Shawn.

"I just don't want this whole situation to blow up in all of our faces. Mel and I have been friends for a long time. It's not like I can just cut her out of my life."

"Shawn, I'm not asking you to," I assured him. "Just...let her know her place that's all."

Just when he was about to speak, a dark-haired blue-eyed girl in a blouse and mini-skirt practically pounced on him.

"Shawn," she shrieked and immediately wrapped her arms around him, once again ignoring my presence. "I'm happy we're together again. This is going to be one hell of a senior year huh?"

For some reason her accent didn't sound like Shawn's - calm and soothing. It was just plain loud and annoying. Or maybe it just seemed that way because I already didn't like her.

He slowly unwrapped her arms from around his shoulders. "Hey Mel, welcome to Dalewood High."

"We're going to have so much fun together," she babbled on. "Just like the good old days."

He cleared his throat. "Uh...yeah. Mel there's someone I'd like you to meet. This is Khalan, my-"

"Khalan?" she interrupted. "That's a weird name," she added with a chuckle.

I forced a smile. "Actually Shawn happens to think it's quite beautiful. Don't you Shawn?"

"Okay," he jumped in. "Mel, Michaels and I have to go now. We'll see you later."

"Who's Michaels?" she asked and I answered.

"I am."



"But Shawn you promised you'd give me a tour of the school," she pouted.

"Oh yeah," he muttered. "Uh..."

I rolled my eyes and mouthed to him. "Go ahead."

"Sure, in a sec," he told her

She beamed with satisfaction. "My locker's right down, at the end of the hall. I'm heading there to grab a few things."

"Okay," he said. "Why don't you go on ahead, I'll be with you in a minute."

She turned to go but I stopped Shawn from speaking by kissing him. I don't know of she saw that, but I hope she did...and took a hint too. "Don't worry, for the last time," I said sincerely. "Go give her your tour."

He kissed my forehead. "You're the best."

I smiled. "I know."

He laughed and turned, heading in Melanie's direction. I sighed and leaned against the locker as I watched him go.

"You really don't like her do you?" came a snicker from behind me.

I jumped, startled, and looked behind me to see a smirking Renée.

"You were listening?" I asked her.

"No, but from the way she was all over your boyfriend you have to wish she was dead."

"Okay," I stopped her. "It's not that extreme.

She chuckled. "So you're fine with her being around?"

"Yes I am," I lied firmly.

"Whatever," she shrugged and began walking away. "It's no problem of mine anyways."

I smiled and rolled my eyes as she left. This girl just doesn't want to acceot the fact that she can be nice to me with no conditions.

Shayley and Jessica re-appeared.

"That's still so weird," Shayley told me.

"What is?"

"You and Renée, duh."

I shook my head. "She's not so bad. You should get to know her."

"I think I'm fine."

"I still think it's weird you set her up with Zeke though," Jess added.

"You're not mad about that right?"

She shook her head. "No I'm not, but it's still weird. I just hope she's as good as you say she is."

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