Chapter 21: Putting Away The Body Of Your Victim

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21. Putting Away The Body Of Your Victim

They kept me in the hospital for a few more days. It wasn't so lonely since at least one person visited me everyday. Shawn stopped by a few times on his way to school in the morning, but I'm kinda disappointed he didn't visit in the afternoons though like the others so he could spend more time. Apparently no one knew what he did after school these days. Not even Jacob or Liam. I tried not to think of that too much though. I just kept imagining that he knew I was okay and was off spending more time with Melanie because of that.

When I did go home though, I was being treated like glass. My mom took precautions to a whole new level. I liked that she cared, but honestly it was annoying. At least I got her to stop.

I sat at home, watching tv when the doorbell rang. I got up and opened it, facing an anxious looking Shayley.

"Everything alright? You look nervous."

She stepped in and shut the door. "Huh? Oh everything is fine. I just wanted to talk to you."

I sat down. "Okay, about what?"

"Well um...I," she tried to begin. "It's about..."

"Shay, calm down," I chuckled. "You can tell me anything."

She stared at me. "Yes, but you know what? Not now. Not while you're recuperating."

"What, you're chickening out?" I asked.

She waved it off. "It's nothing. Trust me, it can wait."

I nodded, though I wanted to know. "Okay."

"Good," she sighed.

None of us spoke for s few seconds till I decided to.

"You never asked me."

"Asked you what?" she asked.

I chuckled. "What it was like. Everyone just comes at me with questions about how it felt or whether I could feel or hear or smell or whatever, but not you. And you're not exactly subtle when it comes to voicing your thoughts so I'm kinda surprised you haven't spoken about it."

She shrugged and sat beside me. "Of course I have questions, but I didn't ask them not because I don't care, but because it just doesn't matter. You're okay."

I lowered my gaze and picked at my nails when she said the last two words.

"Are you?" she asked.

I sighed. "You know I heard you."


I nodded. "I can't remember if it was real or all in my head but I did. I heard all of you at one point...I heard Shawn. He was telling me he needed me to open my eyes. Begging me to come back. I wanted to. I wanted to so bad but I couldn't open my eyes. I couldn't do anything. I tried saying that I was okay, but now I realize no one ever heard me. It was like...being trapped in your own mind. Like I was aware of myself, but I had no control over my body. It scared the hell out of me."

"Scared the hell out of me too," she chuckled.

I swallowed and kept going.

"I just kept thinking if that was death. Is that what dying feels like? When you can hear and feel everyone who's ever loved you but you can't get to them?"

"Khalan," she said softly.

"I thought I was dying. And then I woke up, and I'm so grateful I did. But now I can't close my eyes. I can't sleep because I'm scared that if I close my eyes I won't come back. All I keep seeing are those headlights, flashing like they know they can end my life in one moment," I choked.

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