Chapter 5: You Two Are About To Do The Nasty In Our Pool

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5. You Two Are About To Do The Nasty In Our Pool

I was woken by the annoying chime of my alarm. I groaned and sat up as I rubbed my eyes to adjust them to the sun's sudden light. After lazily crawling out of bed I took a shower, got dressed and headed down for breakfast.

"Morning," I casually greeted my mom as I sped towards the refrigerator for my leftover cupcakes. I crouched down, searching through the lower shelves to see if they were intact.

"Em! Have you seen my cupcakes?" I yelled.

"No!" was her reply.

Well then who could have-

"Cupcake hunting, interesting way to start your morning."

I put a face to the voice behind me and turned to face my grinning brother.


He laughed as I hugged him. "Hey kid."

"You have got to stop with these surprise visits," I chuckled. "When did you get home?"

"Very late last night," he answered. "But I'm only here for four days."

"Oh," I said, quite disappointed.

"But that doesn't mean we still can't have fun," he grinned. "I could drive you both to school and you can tell me what's been going on."

"That's fine. But first, did you take my cupcakes?"

"Why don't you ask pretty little liar over there?" he snickered as Emily walked into the kitchen. He walked up to her and wiped frosting off the corner of her mouth with his thumb. "Frosting on the lip, rookie mistake."

I narrowed my eyes at my younger sister and she just gave me a sheepish smile and shrugged. "What's the big deal anyways? Mom baked cookies."

The sound of cookies quenched my thirst for vengeance. I glared at her then moved to the dining table where my mother was seated.

"Nice to know I still exist," she joked. "Now hurry up before you're late for school."

As instructed, I ate up quickly and we were on our way.

"So what's this I hear about you wanting a car?" he asked while driving.

"I do," I told him. "I'm almost eighteen and walking is a pain."

He just chuckled. We continued conversing till we reached our destination - school. Shayley recognized the vehicle and headed over to meet us.

I opened the door and got out. "Hey."

"Hey Shayley," my brother echoed before she could respond.

She shot him a confident smirk. "Charles."

"How many times do I have to say-"

"You hate being called Charles," she completed. "I know."

He sighed heavily. "Still with that mouth of yours I see."

She just smiled.

"I'll see you later girls, don't get into any trouble."

I narrowed my eyes at both of them after paying heed to his usual warning. After he drove away I spoke to my friend.

"What was that?"

She shrugged. "What was what?"

"That," I re-stated. "With my brother. The whole flirting or whatever that was."

"Flirting? I don't think so," she snickered.

"Do you still have a crush on him?" I casually questioned her.

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