Spin-Offs & More!

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Get ready, because the tale continues guys!

Book 3: This Summer

College so far has been one word: terrible. But you know what, this summer, it wasn't going to be as terrible.

This summer, I was going to be alright.

This summer, I was going to smile and laugh and have fun with my friends.

This summer, nobody was going to think there was something wrong.

This summer, everything was going to be okay.

This summer...

oh shit.
Shayley Folton has had some struggles in the past, but those struggles decided not to stay buried during her first year at college. She's avoided her best friends for what could have been forever just so they wouldn't suspect anything. But what happens when she's hit with a reunion for the entire summer. It was just one summer. Surely she could put up a front and then go back to her life.



The world doesn't hate you Shayley," he told me.

I tilted my head. "Where would you get the idea that I thought it did?"

He laughed at my sarcasm. "Well it doesn't. We all go through shit, some just more than others. We can't control it, but that's the way it is. We'd never have the problems we have if it didn't think we were capable of handling them. So the world doesn't hate you Shayley, it just rolls a pair of dice and lets you handle the outcome."

And just in case you skipped it,

Book 1: Tutoring Mr. Bad Boy

Meet Khalan Michaels, the seventeen year old straight A, reserved girl who loves music.

Shawn Mitchell, the school's bad boy who loves to skip classes and doesn't give a damn about anything.

What happens when she's practically forced to tutor the guy she can't stand? Will they set aside their differences and make things work? Maybe they'll both find out people are not always what they seem.


"And I know you've got a fire," he added .

"Fire?" I asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, fire. You play it safe Michaels. Everybody's good girl. But I know you're more than that. You've got a wild side Princess, and I'm gonna bring it out," he finished.

"And how exactly are you going to do that?" I asked.

He smirked. "Just wait."

Highest rankings:
#1 in teen fiction
#1 in new voices

Other books by me:
- Once Upon A Bus Ride
- 'Twas The Night Before Christmas (X'mas special short story)

Dating Mr. Bad Boy (Sequel to TMBB)Where stories live. Discover now