Chapter 27 (2/2): Dream Catcher

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27. Dream Catcher

I smiled. "What?"

"Happy birthday!" Jessica squealed as she and Shayley enveloped me in a hug.

I laughed. "Thanks."

"Happy birthday Khalan," Austin said, pecking my cheek.

"Where's my hug?" Liam whined.

I laughed and hugged him while he whispered a happy birthday into my ear.

"It's not a party till I arrive though is it?"

I turned around. "Charlie."

He hugged me. "Happy eighteenth kid. Guess you're not really a kid anymore huh?"

I chuckled. "Thanks."

I looked around and felt a warm fuzzy feeling. My friends and family were present.

"You guys put all this together?"

"Yup," Shayley answered.

"And let me guess, you had to keep me out," I said to Shawn.

He smirked. "That was a bonus though, I had a nice time."

I blushed a little and hoped he didn't notice. I went on to speak to Emily and my other friends. I'll admit, them throwing a party was actually okay. I had fun.

"Um...hey?" a loud voice cams, getting everyone's attention. He stood in front of everyone with his guitar. "So yeah, hi again. I don't do this often but certain people were nagging too much."

A small laugh erupted from everyone.

"So this is from us to you Khalan," he continued. "Happy birthday."

I smiled as he started strumming.

"Hold on, to me as we go
As we roll down this unfamiliar road
And although this wave is stringing us along
Just know you're not alone
'Cause I'm going to make this place your home."

Jacob took my hand. "May I have this dance?"

I laughed. "Well yes you may."

"Settle down, it'll all be clear
Don't pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found

Just know you're not alone
'Cause I'm going to make this place your home..."

Jacob twirled me and I shot him a look of approval for his skills. I smiled as Shawn kept playing.

"Settle down, it'll all be clear
Don't pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found

Just know you're not alone
'Cause I'm going to make this place your home..."

Applause resounded when he was done. His eyes met mine and he winked.

When the party was almost over we gathered round to open a few gifts.

"Oh oh open mine next," Liam said, bouncing up and down like a child.

I chuckled, putting Renée's gift down. "Okay Liam."

He handed it to me and I unwrapped it. It was a picture frame, closed like a book.

I opened it. "Oh, it's a picture of you."

"Read what's beside it," he grinned.

I looked to the next frame and smiled.

"Taken by one of my most favourite people ever. Stay beautiful Khalan, I love you."

"Liam I love it," I smiled. I took that picture last year when we went camping. He was standing beside the lake, laughing, and I had captured that moment of happiness.

"I knew you would," he chirped. "I'm awesome."

I looked round but didn't see Shawn. "Hang on guys, I'll be right back."

I got out of the shed and found Shawn sitting on the back porch, strumming his guitar.

"Hey," I said. "Thought you left."

He placed the instrument beside him and stood up. "Still here."

"Thank you," I continued.

"For what?"

"Being you," I chuckled lightly.

He smiled and pulled a small box out of his pocket, handing it to me. "I was waiting to give you this."

I took it and opened it. It was a necklace with a pendant.

"It's a dream catcher," he explained. "Catches bad dreams. I know it may be superstitious but you haven't been sleeping and all so...this is just a reminder that you'll be okay."

"Shawn," I gasped, putting it back in. "It's perfect."

"Happy birthday," he said softly before kissing me on the cheek.

Our eyes locked and he kissed me softly on the lips.

I pulled away and sighed. "Shawn-"

"I know what you're going to say," he cut me off. "But I don't regret kissing you."

Somehow I laughed a little at that.

"I'm going to join the others," he told me. "You go deal with that."

I looked behind me and saw Connor standing at a distance, looking at me.

I turned back to Shawn. "You called him?"

"I still don't like him but I don't like watching you beat yourself up more. Go talk to him."

I hugged him. "You're amazing."

"Oh that I'm well aware of," he smirked.

I smiled and approached Connor.


"Hey Khalan," he said, scratching the back of his neck. "Happy birthday."


He cleared his throat before handing me a present. "I got you something."

I smiled. "Thank you."

"I'm sorry," he said. "For ignoring you."

"It's okay," I said. "You were hurt. I understand."

"But I didn't," he continued. "Look I'd be lying if I said I don't feel anything for you Khalan. But I'd rather have you as just a friend than nothing at all. So yeah, I'm willing to try again if you are."

I nodded before pulling him into a hug. "Of course I am Connor. Friends."

"Friends," he repeated.

"Come on," I said, leading him inside the shed.


The day was great. After everyone left Shayley, Jessica and Austin helped me clean up.

I wandered around, picking up plastic cups. I walked into the shed, wishing i hadn't. I just stumbled upon two people making out.

They broke apart and looked at me.

I rose my eyebrows. "Shayley."

Then my eyes landed on the guy standing next to her, breathless.


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