Chapter 18: She's Family

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18. She's Family

"Shawn, yeah there's a problem..."

"It's Khalan..."

"Hospital, now..."

"You need to get here..."

The words from Jacob's call just tortured my frustrated mind as I sped towards St. Andrews, where I had been some months ago. My heart was practically leaping out of my chest. I was panicking...real bad.

"God Michaels, please be okay," I whispered to myself when I got to the parking lot. I didn't know what exactly was wrong, but Jacob sounded scared himself. I didn't even give him time to explain. I just hung up and ran for my car. More like teleported.

I shut the door and ran into the waiting room.

"Hi...yes I'm looking for Khalan Michaels," I told the lady.

She looked at her computer. "Sorry, I can't let you up at the moment unless you're immediate family. Feel free to wait."

"She's family. And I love her. I really love her. Now let me up," I said.

The first part may have been a lie, but the rest definitely wasn't.

"And how exactly are you two related?" she asked skeptically.

Woman what is this? 20 freaking questions?

"She's my cousin now let me up!" I barked.

"She's in surgery right now, but you can go wait in front of room thirty-four. It's on the first floor."

I went straight to the elevator and got in. Damn I was freaking out. It finally got there and I rushed to the hallway where the room was located.

"Hey," Jacob said once he saw me. He was with Austin.

"Is she okay?" I asked immediately.

"Shawn, breathe," he told me.

Austin came over. "They let you up?"

"Told the woman I was her cousin," I explained.

"Well that makes two of us," Jacob confessed.

"Guilty. Brother," Austin added.

"I need to see her," I pleaded.

"You can't, she's in surgery," Austin said.

My heart sunk. I caught a glimpse of her parents. Her father was talking to a nurse and her mother was comforting her sister while shedding a few tears herself. Austin and Jacob led me to a row of seats in front of the room.

"Well, how did this happen?" I asked. "How did she end up here."

"Shawn I think you should take a seat," Jacob offered.

"Don't tell me to take a fucking seat Jake now what happened?"


I sat down. "Okay, I'm seated. Now please, what happened?"

"Don't freak out," he replied. "Car accident."

I stared at him. That was the only thing I could do. I felt numb. I couldn't speak. Car accident. The one thing that terrified me the most.

"I know you're freaking out inside," Jacob began slowly. "But it'll be fine. Khalan isn't your mother-"

"You don't know that!" I snapped. "You don't."


"God is she okay?" Jessica came running in with Shayley right behind her.

"Apparently Khalan has a lot of cousins," Shayley huffed.

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