Chapter One

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I decided to sleep a little late because I still have to finish my doctoral thesis. It was about 2 in the morning when I went down to make coffee, I did not turn on the television, instead I opened some photo albums from our childhood, I am first of three children, I have a younger twin brother named Brad,who was born 5 minutes after me, and I also have a youngest sister, Carmela, but she was born 2 years after Brad and Me.

The first picture I saw was our playdate with Prince Harry and Prince William. Harry, Brad and I were all born in 1984. Those photos were taken in 1988, these also included 2 year-old Carmela. 

Our father, James Kavanagh, is a doctor, and he is also very close to the Prince of Wales, so we kinda grew up with the two Princes but we weren't that close though.

My brother, Brad is now studying in the US, under a scholarship in Harvard for Medicine at least that's what my father knows, what Carmela and I know is that Brad's in Julliard School of Music in a scholarship, I mean he's really amazing. I still have to pass the final 2 chapters of my  doctorate thesis to Harvard from a scholarship grant and it is up to me to be a doctor, I mean Dad will find out soon enough about Brad„ Carmela is up for a culinary scholarship in Italy.

Then I heard Dad's car pulled up, his shift ended 7 hours ago, since he is a surgeon, he only needs to be in the hospital when he needs to perform a surgery. My dad seems to give us a perfect life, but he has one huge flaw, he loves gambling, a lot. So I also decided to wait for him to go in. 

When he did, he looked so happy. Maybe he won. 

When he entered the house, I was sitting on the counter, looking at old photos and typing my doctorate thesis. 'Hey, Lana, what are you doing?' 'Hey, uh, doctorate thesis. You?' 'Well, Princie called, he wants to invite all of us tomorrow at Kensington for dinner' When he said dinner, he really meant that they'll probably play a game or two. 'Sorry, dad, I would love to come but, I still have to finish my doctorate thesis and I already promised David for dinner tomorrow night.' He nodded. 

David's my boyfriend ever since college started. Well, the summer before college stated, we met at the United States, he was there for a vacation, and we were there to be with Brad before we drop him (by we, I meant me and Carmela, Dad was in Vegas.) off to college. I met David at Julliard, he dropped off his brother there. It's a good thing that David's English.

Carmela woke up at 5 in the morning, I haven't slept yet. '

'Hey, Carms, good morning!  She nodded, and went to the kitchen and made coffee. After making coffee she sat beside me, and let her head down on my shoulder,

'Whattaya up to?'

'Doctorate Thesis.'

Then I heard a notification that Brad wanted to have a video chat, I accepted it. 

'Hey,hey,hey, ladies from England! For it is I, the dude from New York!'


'He means "bloke"'

'Ah, how's Ju..'

Then Dad went down.

'Harvard. How's Harvard with Julius?'

He frowned and he saw dad, and luckily he understood.

'Well, Julius is fine. Harvard is fine. Everything's amazing.'

Then Dad replied- 'I'm glad to hear that, son'

Then we heard something from Brad's background, a bell from the PA-system. 

'Hey, I gotta go.'

'Bye'-Carmela and I said in unison.

At 7 am, I took a bath, I almost slept, but, I fought it off. And after an hour, David is waiting outside to pick me up, it's a Saturday, so, it's a fun day. 

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