Chapter Two

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Before I enter the plane, I called Brad.

Brad: Hey, what’s going on?

Allana: Can you pick me up in JFK?

I sobbed.

Brad: What happened? Is it David?

Allana: I’ll tell it to you when I see you at JFK, in about 10 hours and 30 minutes. 

Brad: Okay.

Allana: Don’t forget to pick me up.

Then I hung up. 

I texted Carmela before we were instructed to switch to airplane mode:

Carmela Kavanagh

I’ll see you  soon. Taking off in a few moments.


Luckily, I was in First Class, so, I cried with my eyemask on. 

At about 7 in the morning, I woke up. I don’t want to eat, I just want someone to talk to. Since everybody was asleep, I opened my laptop and opened my email.

I have one email from David. 

From: David Shaughnessy <davidjshaughnessy>

Hey. I called Carmela and she sounded sad, and I heard. I guess that our dreams for each other will not push through anymore. I was planning to take you to Paris to propose to you after you graduate from Harvard. Get married and spend our honeymoon in Denmark or wherever. You’re headlines now. ‘Prince Harry’s New Girl’ and there are photos of you that somehow leaked. Who knew that our last fun day will be so sad? I mean it ended sad. 

I think I have to break up with you. It was supposed to be our anniversary today, but, I guess it’s shortlived. I’m Sorry. I hope I made it easier for you. 

I love you for this is all I know.

I really do. I’m sorry this message is short, but, I hope this will help you

I love you Allana.


Dad ruined everything. I just need time for myself. I changed my desktop background from the picture of me and David in Italy to my latest photo. And I drifted off to sleep, I still have a few hours to sulk.

I woke up to the announcement, that we are arriving  in JFK in a few minutes. So I emailed Brad.

To: Brad Kavanagh <bradlwskavanagh>

Arriving in JFK in a few minutes. I think in 30 minutes or so. Please pick me up. Thanks, twinnie!

Sent from my iPhone 5

Allana Margaret Kavanagh


I went to the washroom and fixed my self, I washed my face, tied my hair up, and I look swollen and red. So I put some make-up on so at least I could hide my emotions from the outside. I forgot to ‘stack’ my second pair of contact lenses, but at least I stacked my eyeglasses in my bag, and my friendly sunglasses, which covers half of my face. 

Then another announcement; finally we are landing.

I grabbed a cart, and put all my bags there. 

After a few moments, I received a call from Brad. 

Allana: Hi.

Brad: I’m here. 

Allana: Where are you?

Brad: I’m holding up an iPad.

Allana: Oh, I see you.

Then I walked to him. 

When he saw me, he stood there with open arms. 

Brad: What happened?

Allana: Something bad happened. 

Brad: Let’s go.

As we walked to the parking lot, Brad pushed my cart, I just followed, and went in the passenger’s seat first, as Brad loaded my bags in the trunk. 

Brad (as he enter the car): What happened?

I told him everything.

Brad: He did what?

Allana: It looks like I’m getting married, soon.

Brad: This isn’t the 1800’s! You have to turn this ship around.

Allana: He already signed a contract before they left the palace.

Brad changed the subject 

Brad: So, where are you staying?

Allana: The RItz-Carlton. 

Brad: Do  you have your international credit card with you?

Allana: Yes. James Kavanagh is paying for it.

Brad: Who else knows that you’re here?

Allana: Carmela.

Brad:  How’s Mum?

Allana: She’s fine. Until last night. 

Brad: How long will you stay  here?

Allana: A month. 

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