Chapter Four

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I regret that I paid for dinner. I did not know that Brad could eat a lot, I mean he’s so skinny, Shaina ate a lot too, and also Jack, I only drank strawberry shake, which Shaina had two by the way, I mean, I paid, not Dad, my international credit card, the bill was $795! My shake only cost $30! But it’s fine, I mean, at least, I had dinner with someone. 

Brad decided not to sleep in his dorm, he decided to sleep with me in the RItz. After taking his shower, Brad slept in the half of the bed, after taking my shower, I replied to the email that David sent me. I mean, he needs to have a reply. Even though, it will tear me to pieces. 

To: David Shaughnessy <davidjshaughnessy> 

Hey. I’m sorry you did not hear it from me. 

I’m coming back to London after a month, if you want to see me again, ( I really need to see you) but if you don’t want to see me, I understand, 

Thank you for everything. Thank you for the memories. Thank you. 

I’m sorry that I hurt you, I know that I hurt you real bad. 

Can you keep what ever Carmela told you as a secret? 

This has to be a secret. You have to tell your family that I broke up with you. No, you broke up with me. 

For the last time Dave, I love you.


Then I closed my laptop, and went to the bed and slept. 

When I woke up, Brad was already up, talking to his laptop. He was video chatting with Carmela. I look unfab, my hair was in a messy bun, I wore my eyeglasses, a gray shirt and shorts. I stopped crying, so my eyes were back to normal. 

Carmela: Yo, twins! Nice boy band look, Brad!

He fixed his hair, I messed it up a bit.

Brad: Hey!

Allana: Hi, Carmela! How are you?

Carmela: How are you?

She was emphasizing ‘are’. 

Allana: Sad. You?

Carmela: I’m leaving for Italy in 6 months.

Brad: No way, you got in?!

Carmela nodded,

Allana: Oh my goodness! You just made me happy again. 

Carmela smiled. 

Brad: Virtual Group Hug!

We did. 

And we were all crying again.

Carmela: Good job, Brad, Allana stopped crying already! You just made her cry again! 

Wiping her tears, she smiled. I smiled too, so did Brad. 

Then Dad was with Carmela.

Dad: Hey.

I walked out of the room. Literally, I left my hotel room. 

I don’t need to see him right now. 

So I went to Starbucks and got 2 coffees for me and Brad, and I heard camera clicks, at first, I thought she were taking selfies, but as I leave, I saw that she was taking shots of me. She looks English, so, British Paparazzi has flew all the way to New York to follow me! Great! Just what I needed. <sarcasm> 

I went back to the hotel because I don’t want the paparazzi to see me, and I don’t want to see them. 

When I entered my room, Brad was talking to Carmela, she was holding a newspaper with my photo and Prince Harry’s, and with big bold letters, the headline was-‘Is she the one?’ and she held another one, with my photo of me, just me, -’ Prince Harry’s New Girl: Who is she?’ 

Brad turned to me and said: Wow, you’re famous.

Carmela: No coffee for me?

Allana: I cannot send you coffee, it will get cold and soggy when it comes to you.

Carmela: Oh,

Allana: And it’s time for you to buy your own coffee! I always buy you coffee. 

Carmela: I know. 

Brad: What time is it there?

Carmela: I don’t know. About 4 in the morning? 

Allana: You need to sleep. Good night, Carms.

Brad: Good night, Carms.

Carmela: I love you guys, good morning.

Then she signed off. 

Brad: So, what’s for breakfast? Wanna eat out?

Allana: No. Paparazzi people followed me to Starbucks. 

Brad: Okay, I’ll order room service.

Allana: No, why don’t we eat out? I mean, this will be fun.

Brad: Okay, where?

Allana: I saw this ‘hotdog’ stand, am I right hotdog stand?

Brad: You mean, a hotdog cart?

Allana: Yeah. I saw it in the park, and it was near a shaded pavement. And park benches. 

Brad: Sound’s nice. You’re going out looking like that?

Allana: Yeah, should I change in to my contacts?

Brad: That would be nice. And jeans too. 

Allana: Okay. It’s sunny anyway, and I don’t want to get tanned.

I changed in to my contacts, got my Ray Ban Aviator and my Forever 21 jeans.

Allana: Ready?

Brad: Let’s go.

As we leave the RItz, there were paparazzi people waiting for me outside. They were really following us. 

Brad bought the hotdogs, I did not mind the paparazzi, I mean, they were asking a ton of questions! 

We ended up eating our hotdogs in the hotel room. Where privacy is valued. 

Allana: Hey, Brad, I think I cannot drop you in Julliard,I mean, if the paparazzi saw us, definitely, it will be on papers, and dad will see it, and he will kill you and Carms.

Brad: Why only the two of us?

Allana: He already condemned me. 

Brad: It’s almost a year remember? I took all my tests already, technically, I already graduated, I will not be attending the graduation rites, so, I’m coming home with you when you come home.

Allana: Really?

Brad nodded. 

Allana: Hey, Brad, will you be my escort when I arrive in my wedding?

Brad: You don’t want Dad to do it?

Allana: You don’t want to do it? 

Brad: I’d be honored to. 

Allana: Thank you. 

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