Chapter Seventy

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When we went back in the room, I grabbed a comb and a hair tie and went straight in the bathroom for the use of the mirror. I left the door open so Harry could hear me.

Allana: Why did you tell them that I could cook?!

Harry: Sorry. I got desperate.

Allana: Since you did, you will help me in cooking. You will be my assistant in cooking. No backing up!

Harry: I guess that’s fair.

Allana: It is fair.

When we went downstairs, I think they were playing Heads up!, the Ellen app. And they were having fun.

I approached them.

Allana: Okay, since I am cooking, we have no helps and all, we are going to help each other. We’ll have the dishwashing in a rotational routine. Starting from William.

William: Me? Why me?

Allana: You’re the eldest in the group. And Harry and I are exempted.

Beatrice: Why?

Allana: We are the ones who will cook. And I thought that this holiday would be better if we lived normally. Like any other family.

Eugenie: That’s a good idea.

William: But I am not the eldest. Peter is.

Allana: What time is he coming?

The front door opened.

Peter: Hello!

Isla, Savannah and Autumn came in.

Isla and Savannah: Hello!

Autumn: Hello!

Well, in the end, everybody said hello to everybody.

Peter: You must be Harry’s fiancée, Allana.

He offered his hand.

I took it.


Allana: Yes. Hello.

Autumn came near us.

Autumn: Hi, Allana. Congratulations.

I tucked one stray hair on my ear with my right hand.

Autumn: Goodness! That’s huge.

Peter: Hey, Harry! How many?

Harry approached us.

Harry: Pardon?

Peter: How many carats is that?!

Harry: Oh! 8.5 

Peter and Autumn (in unison): 8.5 

Harry: And it is surrounded by 2 carat diamonds on the side.

Autumn: Oh.

Okay. Back to reality.

Allana: Okay! As I was saying a while ago, before you arrived, since we have no cooks and helps here, Harry and I are cooking. And since you all want to live normally for once, we’ll be having our dishwashing jobs in a rotational order, starting from the eldest, in this case, Peter and Autumn goes first. Don’t worry this will be done by partners. And Harry and I are exempted.

Peter: Why is that?

Allana: Harry and I are already cooking.

Harry: Okay. We are going to start cooking right now.

Allana: And the food is a surprise.  So, no one will enter the kitchen until Harry gives the go signal.

Dave: So when Harry gives the signal, we can enter the kitchen and eat?

Harry: Yes.

I grabbed a piece of paper from my jeans pocket and a pen.

Allana: I want all of you to list down the things that you are allergic to, in terms of food.

I gave the paper to Kate.

Kate: We just have to write the things we are allergic to?

Allana: Yes.

Jack: Why?

Allana: So that I’ll know what food to cook.

And the paper is being passed around.

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