Chapter Fourteen

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Harry's Perspective

Before leaving for Afghanistan, we had a meeting, which was so unnecessary because we’re probably gonna talk about it again in Afghanistan!

Austin has not left yet, I think he was ordered not to leave until I leave.

I noticed that Austin got a message through his headset, and it sounded so urgent that he left the room.

I did not pay so much attention to what everybody was talking about. I just listened to things and sorted the things I just wanted to absorb.

Allana hugged me to say goodbye a while ago.Whoa, where did that come from? Am I falling…..? No… I mean, who am I kidding?

I trashed the thought.Since I was too busy thinking of things that I am not supposed to be thinking now, I did not feel that Austin patted me on my back,

Austin: Sir?

Harry: What?

Austin: May I speak with you in private?

I nodded. And stood up and went outside.

Harry: What is it?

Austin: Miss Kavanagh was with her brother and some of her brother’s band mates in Abbey Road and while heading back home, MIss Kavanagh’s car was hit by a Prius an hour ago and the four of them was rushed in Central Middlesex Hospital.

Harry: What?

Austin: And I was told that the Prius hit Miss Kavanagh’s car in the passenger side, in which she was sitting,

Harry: I have to go there now.

Austin: But sir, you’re leaving in 10 minutes!

Harry: Drive me now.

Before leaving, I told the people in the meeting that Allana was in a car accident. And I left.

When we arrived at CMH, photographers and news media were waiting outside. Which means, they will photograph me walking in that entrance. Yippee.< Sarcasm<

The photographers and news media frantically took shots of me walking in the entrance. I was really in a hurry, I cannot lose the woman I love in a car accident.

Wait. Did I just think that?! Am I falling in love with her? I just knew her for like, 5 days!

When I entered the ER, the first curtain had Brad in it, the right part of his body is bloody, probably from broken glass. But he was being prepped probably because he was going to surgery or he will be transfered to a room.

Since I did not find Allana in the ER, I went to the nurses’ station and asked if where Allana was. And the nurse said that she’s in the operating room.

So, I waited in the waiting room just like any other person waiting. I just cannot bear to be back in this same situation, to lose someone in a car crash again.

There were 5 people (including me) waiting in the room, I waited there with Austin. Austin was on the phone with Mr. Kavanagh, Allana and Brad’s father, he said that they were four in the car, Jack Lahey and Shaina Hale. I discovered that Jack Lahey was sitting behind Allana and Shaina Hale was sitting behind Brad, Shaina Hale and Brad only had minor injuries, but both had many wounds from broken glass, Shaina Hale is in the operating room because she had a shard of glass stuck in her abdomen. Jack Lahey and Allana Kavanagh, I do not know what the bloody hell is going on in their operation!

After a few moments, the doctor came out, Allana’s doctor.

Allana’s doctor, Dr. Reynolds, came out in scrubs, she had Allana’s bloodstains on her scrubs.

Dr. Reynolds approached me.

Dr. Reynolds: Allana Kavanagh?

Harry: Yes.

Dr. Reynolds: Sir, Ms. Kavanagh, flatlined thrice during the operation, she lost a lot of blood, she also broke 15 bones, her right tibia, her right radius, her left ulna, her right scapula, her left fibula and ten ribs. But she’s going to be in intensive care, and I’m going to monitor her heart through a heart monitor. And she will also be in a respirator.

Harry: Is she in a medically induced coma?

Dr. Reynolds: Yes,it will be easier for her to bear the pain in a coma, and shooting her with morphine is not that helpful.

Harry: How long is the recovery time?

Dr. Reynolds: The coma? Or the injuries?

Harry: The injuries. I know that you will wake her up in time.

Dr. Reynolds: I estimate her recovery time for, a year and six months.

Harry: Thank you, Dr. Reynolds.

Dr. Reynolds left and went to the operating room again.

Austin heard the whole conversation and contacted Mr. Kavanagh, and relayed the whole conversation of me and Dr. Reynolds.

Dr. Reynolds came out with a bunch of nurses pulling out Allana in a hospital bed, and she looks, a lot different, to think that hours ago, she looked beautiful during the photoshoot and when she was in my room.

It seems like we are not going to push through with the wedding this March.

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