Chapter Seventy-Nine

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When we arrived at Harry’s apartment, everything looks so different from the last time I was there, which was I think a year ago. 

Harry’s room had changed. A lot. Super, from the theme blue and silver to red and gold, which I like better, it feels like Christmas in Switzerland. Oh, the memory. 

Allana: I can see that your room went under a makeover.

He smiled.

Harry: Yeah, the bed is bigger.

Allana: Why is it bigger? I'm scared.

Harry laughed.

Harry: Well, they’ve changed it because we’ll be using this in the duration of forever. And the next door? The one that used to be your room? It is now our office, yeah, take note, our office.

Allana: Why? I won’t need it.

Harry: You will. When you go full-time.

Allana: Is it sterile? Could I just open somebody's brain up or something?

Harry: No. I mean, our kind of full time.

Allana: Our? You mean, you're family?

Austin knocked.

Austin: Excuse me, Dr. Kavanagh, Ms. Drew is cleared.

Allana: Oh, thank you. 

He left. 

I grabbed my phone and texted Marcelle that she could come now. 

Harry: Will she be gone soon?

Allana: She haven’t even got here yet.

Harry: Well, the list is due at about 9 pm. On or before. 

Allana: The list will be easy.

Harry: No it won’t. You can’t invite divorcees and people who had affairs.

Allana: That’s easy. My family is not the divorce type. 

Harry: Oh, well, the list won’t take long. 

At 2:30 pm, Marcelle came. 

Allana: Marcelle!

Marcelle: Dr. Kavanagh! So good to see you again. 

Allana: You too, so what do we need to talk about?

Marcelle: Well, first Congratulations! You’re getting married soon, and second, we have to talk about your job.

Allana: Why? Am I losing it?

Marcelle: Almost. But it’s slipping away. 

Allana: Is it because of my two-year absence?

Marcelle: Half of it, then I came here as a representative of St. Mary’s Hospital, Lindo Wing, I’m going to ask you, will you come back to St. Mary’s as a doctor again?

Allana: I don’t know. 

Marcelle: Dr. Kavanagh, can you please be specific?

Allana: Can I at least consult someone with this? Like my, uh, my, uh,

I heard Harry come in.

Harry: Fiancee?

Allana: Yes, fiancee.

Harry took a seat and then we all took a seat. 

Harry: I think you should leave the hospital.

Allana: I don’t think I can.

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