Chapter Forty-Nine

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Harry: It’s 7:45 am. And, how are we going to eat breakfast? Hospital food? Without Austin, we have no food!

I have an idea.

Allana: St. Mary’s hospital sells food downstairs. And I have eaten there many times before and I liked it.

Harry: Okay. Let’s have breakfast.

Allana: I’ll just tell Dr. Cole that I will be having breakfast downstairs.

I walked to the side table my bed and called Ian.

Ian: Dr. Ian Cole

Allana: Hi, Ian, it’s me, Dr. Allana Kavanagh

Ian: Oh, Dr. Kavanagh, are you okay? Are you feeling any pain?

Allana: I’m fine. Just sleepless. And I just called to tell you that, Harry and I will be having breakfast downstairs.

Ian: Oh, you’ll be leaving your room? I’ll have a nurse over to get you a wheelchair.

Allana: Can’t I just walk?

Ian: I’m afraid not. It’s for your safety.

Allana: Fine. But no need for a nurse to be with us downstairs. We can manage.

Ian: Okay.

Allana: Do you want to join us?

Ian: Uh, no thanks, in two minutes i’ll be scrubbed in, I’m performing a surgery. But I’ll be with you before you check out.

Allana: Oh, then, good luck.

Ian: Thanks Dr. Kavanagh, I have to go now.

Allana: Okay.

I hung up.

I turned to Harry.

Allana: There will be a nurse coming to give me my wheelchair then we are all set.

Harry: Do we have to use a wheelchair?

Allana: You don’t. I need to. Hospital protocol.

Harry: Hospital protocol. Okay. But you won’t be wheeling yourself. I’ll be wheeling you.

Allana: Really?

Harry: Yeah. I’ll be fun.

After a minute or so the nurse came in with my wheelchair. I could not recognize her. Maybe she’s new at this hospital or new at this wing.

Nurse: Good morning, Dr. Kavanagh, I’m Marie José. And I am your nurse. And here’s your chair.

Allana: Thank you.

Nurse: And if you need anything, just ring.

Allana: I will. Thank you, Marie.

She smiled. Then left.

HARRY: You ready for breakfast?

Allana: Yeah. Just let me get my purse.

I stood up and walked to the side table and effin’ tripped! And Harry caught me.

Harry: Careful.

I felt the blood rushing to my face.

Allana: Sorry. It’s just that, I’m sleepless.

Harry: I’m pretty aware of that.

He just held me in my arms.

Allana: You can let go of me now.

Harry: Oh. Sorry.

Allana: Thank you.

He smiled. I smiled.

Purse. Get the purse.

Allana: Uh, I have to get my purse.

Harry: Why don’t I get it, and you sit down on the chair?

Allana: But-..

Harry: You sit down, I get the purse. No buts.

Allana: Fine.

I walked back to the chair. And sat. Harry got my purse.

Allana: Thanks.

Harry: No problem. Anytime. Now, breakfast.

Allana: Agreed.

We went out and wheeled around the corridors. Nurses and doctors said hello. People, patients and visitors were looking at us, and then whispered things.

Allana: Wow. We are so close in being nominated for best couple in an award show.

Harry: And probably best talked about couple.

Allana: If only we could find an award show that awards those things.

Harry laughed.

We reached the elevator. And the elevators are weirdly packed. No one in the elevator bothered to close it.

I looked up to Harry. Harry did not even look down and just frowned. And then all of a sudden a lot of flashes of cameras came out of the elevator.

Harry pushed my wheelchair so fast that we reached my room in a jiffy. I thought that we are going to enter, but Harry just removed my name on the door.

Then we used the other elevator, which was, fortunately, empty.

I pressed the #2 button.

Harry started laughing. I too started laughing.

Allana: That was some mean ride!

Harry: I know! That was amazing!

We started laughing again.

That was super amazing!

I am mindblown!

Super duper mindblown.

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