Chapter Sixty-Eight

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When Austin stopped the car in the garage, Harry grabbed my arm.

Allana: What?

Harry: Thanks.

Allana: For what?

Harry: Coming with me. 

I smiled. 

Allana: Oh, well, thanks for inviting me. 

Harry: Wait right there.

Harry got out the car, walked around, opened my door and held out his hand.

Allana: Why? 

Harry: To keep the act on.

When we entered the house, I heard someone shout something. It’s either Beatrice or Eugenie.

Allana: Who?

Harry: Beatrice.

Beatrice kept shouting: They’re here!

And when she descended the staircase.

Beatrice: You’re here!

She approached me and hugged me then Harry.


Harry: Well, it’s good to see you too Beatrice.

Beatrice: Yeah, yeah.

She turned to me.

Beatrice: Lemme see it.

Allana: Hello. See what?

She grabbed my right hand. The hand with the ring on.

Beatrice: Oh my God! It’s even bigger than the last one!

Her boyfriend came down, greeted me and Harry.

Allana: What last one?

Beatrice: Harry’s past girlfriend! Dave, what’s her name?

Dave: Uh, I think it’s starts with a C.

I looked at Harry. Not that I am jealous or anything.

Beatrice snapped her fingers.

Beatrice: Ah! I got it. Cress-

Before she finished Eugenie came down.

Eugenie: Beatrice, I don’t think it’s nice to talk about that.

Beatrice: Oh. Sorry.

Allana: Oh, it’s okay.

Eugenie approached me and hugged me.

Harry cleared his throat.

Harry: Uh, we’ll just go up and settle our things.

Allana: You mean unpack?

Harry: Yes. Let’s go, love.

Harry grabbed my hand. And made our fingers interlace each other.

Allana: Excuse us.

When we entered the room, it was exactly like the photos!

Harry closed the door behind us.

I threw my bag on the bed.

Harry: I didn’t tell you about that because I did and do not think it is relevant.

What’s he talking about?

I frowned and made a face.


Allana: Oh that. The thing. I really do not care.

Harry: Really?

Allana: No.Yes. No. Actually, yes. A little bit.

Harry and I sat on the couch inside the room.

Harry: So, you do care. A little.

Allana: Yeah, tiney winnie.

Harry: Well, the engagement wasn’t announced because she backed off.

Allana: So, she said yes then backed off?

Harry: Yes. She decided to continue in pursuing dancing.

Allana: Ah. Well, that’s sad. And you still did not tell me.

Harry: Well, you didn’t tell me about David.

Allana: Irrelevant.

Harry: No, it’s not.

Allana: Do I have to tell you now?

Harry: I told you mine.

Allana: Really?

Harry: Yes.

Allana: Fine. What do you want to know?

Harry: Did he make a move already?

Allana: Move?

Harry: Yeah. Move.

Allana: No.

Harry: So, you haven’t kissed yet?


Allana: Me and David? Or me and past boyfriends?

Harry: Uh, I guess, past blokes will be fine.

Allana: No.

Harry: No?

Allana: No. I haven’t.

Harry: Haven’t what?

Allana: I don’t understand.

Harry: You haven’t what?

Allana: Ugh! Harry! I don’t want to repeat it! It’s awkward!

Harry: What?

Allana: God! Harry, I haven’t kissed anyone!

Well, at least passionately. The thing that David did, does not count. Harry's little show on the yacht, does not count and the staged engagement thing, it does not count too.

Harry: What?

Allana: Stop asking questions.

Harry: But we kissed on the engagement.

Allana: Does not count. It was just contact.

Harry: Contact?

Allana: Yeah.

Harry: One last question.

He’s going to ask me that.

Don’t ask me what.

It’s pretty obvious.

That question.

This is too obvious!

Allana: Save it! We have 27 days.

Harry: Okay.

Allana: Oh, and love?

Harry: What?

Allana: Love. You called me love.

Harry: Think it’ll be cute to have a pet name.

Allana: And you thought, -” Hey! Why don’t I call her Love.”

Harry: Love. You don’t like it?

Allana: Think of something. And don’t think about sweetheart. Too cheesy.

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