Chapter Sixty-Six

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Harry: Well we have to think of something!

Allana: Don’t you think I am thinking?! Have you got any ideas?

Harry: Yes in fact.

Allana: We are not going for being abducted by aliens.

Harry: I, I, I, I was not thinking of alien abduction. Th-tha-that is absurd.

He laughed nervously.

Allana: Why didn’t we think before we leave?!

Harry laughed.

Harry: What about your idea?

Allana: This is a lot better than yours.

Harry: Oh, really now?

I smiled.

Allana: What’s your charity in Africa?

Harry: Uh, in Lesotho?

Allana: Yes, please.

Harry: Sentebale.

Allana: Great.

I leaned back on my seat.

Harry: Your story?

Allana: Wait. I’m still organizing my thoughts.

Harry: This does not involve aliens.

Allana: No.

Harry: And dinosaurs maybe?

Allana: No.

Harry: Or fairies?

Allana: What?! No!

Harry: Or unicorns?

Allana: Absolutely not!

Harry: Maybe, Harry Potter.

Allana: No Harry Potter for Harry Wales.

Harry: Or we could do Twilight?

Allana: What?!  Vampires and werewolves?

Harry: Better than fairy dinosaurs.

I made a facepalm.

Allana: Good God! George is very lucky to have a, uh, very imaginative uncle.

Fairy dinosaurs?!

Harry: Well, I have a very vast imagination.

Allana: Here’s my story. Which does not involve aliens, dinosaurs, fairies, unicorns, Harry Potter, Twilight and fairy dinosaurs.

Harry: Darn.

Allana: Well, when you were in Africa having a charity thing, you had some medical team over, and I was one of the volunteers in the medical team. And then I’ll end it this way- and the rest is history.

Harry: Totally believable.

Allana: And even better than fairy dinosaurs.

We laughed.

Harry: I like the part -’ and the rest is history.’ It’ll be great for our history books.

I smiled.

And the intercom suddenly spoke. Figuratively.

Intercom; Good afternoon, Prince Harry and Dr. Kavanagh, this is your captain speaking, we will begin our final descend in 5 minutes, I would like to remind you to please put your seatbelt on. Thank you. 

Austin came up from the back. 

Austin: Sir, please put your seatbelt on. 

I did put my seatbelt on. 

Allana: Why do you need to remind him?

Austin: Because he forgets to wear his seatbelt on.

Harry: I don’t forget. I choose not to,

Austin: Yes, and as your security adviser, I have to remind you to put your seatbelt on. 

Allana: Okay, Austin, why don’t you put your seatbelt on and settle down. We have at least 2-3 minutes left. 

Then we descended. 

Harry: Do you have your coat?

Allana: In my luggage. 

Harry nodded. 

We thanked the captain personally. Or he thanked us personally. Which ever. 

Austin came back with 2 winter jackets. I recognize one, the pink one is mine and probably the black one is Harry’s. And I was right. 

When Harry and I were the only ones left in the plane, he looked at me very, very weirdly as I put my jacket on.

Allana: What are you staring at?

Harry: I am not staring. 

Allana: Then what are you doing?

Harry: Thinking. 

Allana: About?

Harry: About how are we going to go down.

Allana: Duh!? Using the stairs

Harry: Well, obviously. 

Allana: Then what’s to think about?

Harry: How are we going to get down?

Allana: Do you want me to call Austin and tell the captain or someone to release the emergency slide?

Harry: No. You don’t get it.

Allana: Can you please make me understand?

Harry: Arm in arm or ladies first?

Allana: Oh. Now I get it! You go first.

Harry: Why? 

Allana: Fine, I’ll go first. Obviously, we can’t fit right in to that door arm in arm! 

Harry nodded.

Harry: Let’s go. 

We’re already in Switzerland. The 27 days starts now. 

27 days. 

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