Chapter Sixty-One

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Allana’s Perspective

December 19th, 2013

Carmela: So, where are you spending Christmas? Mum and Dad are in different continents, Brad’s with Sam. I can’t go home yet because I have an exam coming up.

Allana: Well, I am spending my Christmas in Switzerland.

Carmela: Swiss Christmas? Alone.

Allana: Uh..

Carmela: Of course not.

Allana: Will you be spending your Christmas alone?

Carmela: No.

Allana: Well, you tell me who is the mysterious person that you will be spending your Christmas with and I’ll tell you mine.

Carmela: No. You tell me first

Allana: No, Carmela Nicolette. You tell me first.

Carmela: Wow, full name. Since arguing with you is gonna be never ending, I’ll tell you first. I’m gonna be spending my Christmas with my boyfriend..

Wth?! She has a boyfriend?!

Allana: Oohh, Italian boyfriend?

Carmela: No. British.

Allana: You went to Italy and dated a British guy?

Carmela: No. Since I am based in England, I have a British boyfriend.

Allana: So he’s not Italian?

Carmela: No. You’re turn.

Allana: What’s his name?

Carmela: Will.  You’re turn.

Allana: I’m spending my Christmas, in Switzerland with Harry.

Carmela: See?! I don’t expect you to go to Switzerland and date a Swiss guy! You’re going to Switzerland with a British bloke!

Allana: And Australia.

Carmela: What?

Allana: After Switzerland, December 20th to the 31st, I think, we will go to Australia for the new year. I’ll be with him for 27 days.

Carmela: 27 days?! Good luck with that!

Allana: Do you share a flat with Will?

Carmela: Yeah. It’s near my school.

Allana: What is he doing there?

Carmela: Well, just keeping me company.

Allana: Ah. I see. Keeping you company.

Carmela: You are going to be with Harry for the Holidays for 27 days. So much for keeping company.

Allana: I’m leaving for Switzerland later at about 3. Remember Austin? He’ll be picking me up here then we’ll go to Kensington to pick up Harry, I think, then off to Switzerland.

Carmela: What are you planning to do for your birthday? And Brad’s birthday?

Allana: Brad’s spending his with Sam of course, in Bora Bora? I guess. Probably, I’ll be spending mine in London, preparing for the wedding. March 16th.

Carmela: So there will be a wedding?

Allana: I did not say that.

Carmela: Yeah you did. -’ Preparing for the wedding. March 16th.’

Allana: I’m close in making my desicion. I’ll be making it soon.

Carmela: Soon?

Allana: I still have 27 days.

Carmela laughed.

Carmela: Sorry to, uh, cut this short, I have to go.

And I think I heard David’s voice in the background.

Allana: Carmela, are you with David?

Carmela: David who?

Carmela and David?

Allana: You and David?

Carmela: What? No!

Allana: Thought you had to cut this short?

Carmela: I have to!

Allana: So, you and David are dating?

Carmela: No. And David’s not here.

And there was a voice that came from my background.

Voice: He’s here.


Why did I have to put this conversation in speakerphone!?

Carmela: Who are you with?

Allana: No one.

Carmela: I’ll just call you later.

Allana: Can you just call me tomorrow? Switzerland.

Carmela: Yeah, sure. I think Will is taking me out on a date.

Allana: Good luck.

Carmela: You too. Stay safe.

Allana: Stay safe. I miss you.

Carmela: You too. See you February 23rd.

Allana: Right, two weeks before the wedding.

Carmela: Yes. And two days before the magic twins’ birthday.

Allana: Don’t forget. February 25th.

Carmela: I really have to go.

Allana: Good bye. I’ll see you soon.

Carmela: I’ll see you soon.

I hung up. And called Austin. And just let him hear the conversation. It’s almost 11. He’s on his way. I sat up. I was lying on my tummy on my bed.

Allana: What are you doing here?

David: After your concussion, you didn’t drop by for your leg check-ups and therapy.

Allana: I didn’t think I needed to. I don’t have a broken tendon.

David frowned.

David: About that.

I raised an eyebrow.

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