Chapter Eight

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I woke up at 3 in the morning because we’ll be driving Carmela to the airport, her flight is 3 hours from now. 

When I went down, I was the only one awake, so I went back up to wake Carmela up.

Allana: Carmela, wake up.

Carmela stirred. 

I turned on her lamp. 

Allana: Wake up.

Finally, she woke up. 

Carmela: Am I leaving soon? 

Allana : Yup.

Carmela: Okay.

Then she removed her comforter and she was already ready, she just needs to wash her face & freshen up.

Allana: What time did you wake up?

Carmela: I just slept about an hour ago. 

Allana: Why don’t you freshen up & I’ll wake Brad up.

I left her room and went to Brad’s room, which is right next door.

Allana: Brad, wake up.

Brad stirred and stirred too far and fell from the bed. 

Brad: I’m up.

And he threw a pillow at me.

Brad: You do not need to throw me out of bed!

Allana: You fell on your own. After freshening up, make sure you wake up Mum and Dad.

I waited downstairs. Carmela went down first. 

Carmela: Hey.

Allana: Hey.

Carmela: I’m leaving soon.

Allana: I know.

Carmela: Should I be excited?

Allana: You should be excited because there are a lot of things that lies ahead of you, dear sister.

Carmela smiled.

Allana: Just be happy and keep your feet on the ground.

Carmela: Just don’t forget to invite me to your wedding.

Allana: Why would I forget? After all, you are my maid of honor.

Carmela: Really?

Allana: That is of course, if you’d like.

Carmela: I’d be honored to.

Then Brad came down the stairs, I got up and went to the kitchen and made coffee. Brad whispered something to Carmela.

Carmela: What? No way!

I bet he told Carmela about his plans.

Then Mum and Dad came down. Carmela went to the kitchen and drank half of my coffee. 

Carmela: You’re getting married, Brad’s proposing. You. you’ll be married soon.

Allana: I’m pretty aware of that.

Carmela sighed.

Carmela: I really liked David. He’s so talented and smart, and cute.

Allana: And romantic. 

Carmela: There really is no turning back now, huh?

Allana: No.

Carmela: I hope you’ll be happy. 

Allana: I hope 'll be happy.

Carmela; I’d be cooking! I’m happy. 

I hugged her,

Allana: Take good care of your self.

Carmela: I will.

We rode in the car like the time we were just kids, Carmela sat in the middle, Brad sat on Carmela’s right side, I sat on the left, and we rest our heads on Carmela’s shoulder and fell asleep. 

When we woke up, we were at the airport already. 

As Dad and Brad unload Carmela’s bags, Mum bursted in tears, she said and I quote-“I’m losing all of my daughters!’ Carmela comforted her, I just stood there. Carmela will eventually come back! I won’t! I’ll be stuck in the palace forever. 

PA System: Calling 177245 to Rome, Italy, please proceed to the boarding station.

Carmela: Well, that’s me. 

Allana: Good luck,

Brad: Stay safe.

Dad: I love you.

Mum: Take care. 

Then she’s gone. 

Back at the car, I lay down at the back seat, my head resting on Brad’s lap.

Allana: Carmela did this when you left.

Brad: I’m sure am gonna miss her.

Allana: Idea! Why don’t you go there when you and Sam in your you know.

Brad: That is a great idea!

Then my phone rang, a text message from my secretary, Beda Justin.

Beda Justin: The Prince needs to see you today.


Brad: I guess you need to see him.

Allana: Yeah.

So I called Beda.

Beda: Beda Justin.

Allana: Beda, it’s me, Allana Kavanagh.

Beda: Yes,

Allana: I‘ll be there in about an hour or two. 

Beda: Very well. 

Allana: Thanks. 

Then I hung up.

Brad: Do you need a ride?

Allana: No. I’ll be driving my self.

When we got home, I just got my car keys and left. And I called Beda.

Beda: Beda Justin

Allana: Beda, I’m on my way, please alert security that I will be using or coming in a BMW, a black one, heavily tinted, and I’ll call you when I’m already near. 

Beda: Okay. 

Following what ever I said, she was there even before I call! She’s an amazing secretary.

As I went down the car, Beda approached me.

Beda: Ready for your photoshoot?

Allana: Is he already here?

Beda: As far as I know, he is. How did you two meet?

They do not know what is going on. And this is pretty confidential, and I have to carry it in my grave. 

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