Chapter Seventeen

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Diana made some amazing lasagna rolls! I mean, if this is not a dream, I would love to eat this all day, but since it’s a dream, I do not know how I could taste it.

Diana: So, tell me about your self.

Allana: Uh, well, I have a younger twin brother and a younger sister. I came from a very well-off family. I’m two doctorate thesis away from a scholarship in Harvard. Uh, I’m getting married soon, if I ever wake up from my coma, and if you could remember, Harry, my younger brother and I used to have playdates at Kensington.

Diana: Yes! Allana Kavanagh and Brad Kavanagh, the twins of James and Katarina Kavanagh! That’s why your face looked familiar!

Allana: Yeah.

Diana: This may sound a little bit.. peculiar but, when you and Harry were still kids, Harry liked you, he told me that he had a crush on you.

Allana: That does sound peculiar. We started having playdates in 1988?

Diana: Which lasted untill 1990.

Allana: But, we were still kids. And childhood crushes does not count. In fact, it never does.

Diana: True.

Allana: Do you have any idea what time is it?

Diana: Uh, I have the day. Not the time.

Allana: Which is?

Diana: You came here yesterday, which was a Friday, which makes today Saturday.

Allana: I want to go back.

Diana: Trust me, I want you to come back too. Come back to Harry and to the world.

Allana: If I ever come back, what would you want me to say to Harry?

Diana: To take care. Of himself and you. And I love him very much.

Allana: When I come back, I promise to tell him that.

Diana: If you ever come back there, promise me you’ll take care of him.

Allana: I will.

Diana: I like you. I like you for Harry.

I smiled.

Allana: Thank you.

When we finished eating, I fixed the table and washed the dishes. Diana went to a room and came back with a bunch of photo albums. Yey! Throwback time!

So, I sat down on the couch and Diana handed me an album.

Diana: This album contains the first year of Harry.

Allana: How did you get these?

Diana: When I came here, everything was provided. So was these albums.

Allana: Wow. So, shall we start?

Diana: Okay.

The opening photo was when Diana and Charles left St. Mary’s with Harry on Diana’s arms.

Diana: When we came home, William was thrilled! He never left his brother’s side.

Allana: Really?

Diana: Even though, I am not with them anymore, I can say that I raised them well. And Charles did a good job too.

Allana: William has George now to raise.

Diana: And I hope he and Kate do a good job too.

Harry’s first year was cute. Almost everything was photographed. It seemed complete. Diana must’ve love taking pictures.

Allana: Diana, how do I tell my body to move?

Diana: You want to come back?

I nodded.

Allana: Yes.

Diana: I do not know. I think you have to leave this particular place first then, I think, you will be back in the world of consciousness.

Allana: How do I leave here?

Diana: I don’t know. But I think you can try sleeping. I think you have to be unconscious here to be conscious there.

Allana: Could I sleep? I mean, have you tried sleeping?

Diana: Yes. I pretty much live a normal life here, but I’m alone most of the time.

Allana: Diana, I have to go back. I need to take a nap now.

Diana: I understand. I just hope it’ll be successful.

So I stood up, and headed for the room.

Allana: Diana, it’s nice meeting you. And it’s also nice to get to know you.

Diana: It’s nice meeting you too. Thank you for letting me know you.

Then I lay down the bed, and drifted off to sleep.


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