Chapter Eighty-Three

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Harry and I stayed in bed pretty much all day. We decided to spend it clothed. And it’s chilly and I like it.

Harry had food brought in here. I wanted pizza for some reason, and Coke. And the palace pizza tastes good!

As Harry took bite of his pizza, he began to speak.

Harry: This is my favorite. I was the first one who tasted this so, I called it the-‘Captain’s Choice.’

Allana: Captain’s Choice?

Harry: Captain because Prince is so mainstream.

Allana: Ah. I like it.

Harry: Wait ‘til you taste the Captain Cheesecake.

Allana: You named it too?

Harry: Yep.

I loved the lunch. It was pretty a-mazing!

Allana: Let’s do this again sometime!

Harry: We’re always going to do this. After three months of waiting.

Allana: Yep. 

At 4:45 am, my phone rang, and I literally fell down the bed. Thank goodness for carpets.

Harry woke up when I fell.

Allana: What the fuck?

Harry sat up.

I looked at the screen. Dang it! It’s Brad.

I answered it.

Allana: What the fuck?

Brad: Well, good morning to you too.

Allana: Why did you wake me up?

Brad: I just wanted to see how you were.

Allana: At freakin’ 4:45 am?

Brad: Sorry! I did not know what time is it there.

Allana: Where the fuck are you?

Brad: Love your language.

Allana: Harry loves it too.

Brad: Well, who does not love a girl with a sharp tongue.

Allana: Where are you?

Brad: United States. With Mum.

Allana: WHAT?

They just got here. In London.

Brad: Well, Mum invited us! And I told her that I’ll invite you, but she volunteered! Guess she didn’t call.

Allana: You bet your arse she didn’t! 

Brad: I should have called at about 10 in the morning.

Allana: Just be home when Carmela comes home!

Brad: When will that be?

I hung up.

Harry opened the lamp and rubbed his face.

Harry: What did he want?

Allana: I don’t really give a fuck.

Harry: It’s 5 in the morning. You’re pretty angry.

Allana: Yes I am. I am pretty fucked up!

Harry: When you are in a better mood, I have to collect my fines.

Allana: Why?

Harry: You blurted out 5 words.

Allana: Oh. Then, just don’t even warn me. Surprise me.

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