Chapter Forty-Three

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Harry’s Perspective

I went to my walk-in closet, which is located in Allana’s room because her room is connected to mine and we kinda share closets. 

I changed in to  a green t-shirt, white jeans and my favourite blue shoes and left the room. 

While walking briskly, I called Austin.

Austin: Sir?

Harry: Where are you now?

Austin: We are in St. Mary’s Hospital, Dr. Kavanagh’s in the emergency room.

Harry: Lindo Wing?

Austin: Yes, Sir.

Harry: Okay, I’m on my way. I’ll text you when I am already there. 

Austin: Sir, what car are you going to use?

Harry: I don’t know. What’s available?

Austin: Sir, I only took one car. I’m using the  black BMW 3 Series. 

Harry: Oh, is the blue BMW available?

Austin: Sir, you have at least 4 blue BMW’s.

Harry: Is it all available? Austin, I am in a hurry!

Austin: Yes sir. 

Harry: Okay, I’ll see you there. 

I used the blue BMW 5 series. Since Kensington Palace is only a 2 kilometer drive, I drove my self to the hospital.

Allana is so accident prone. First the car accident and now, this! She has a mild concussion. Or at least I hope  she has  a mild concussion. 

After 10 minutes I arrived at St. Mary’s. I parked then I called Austin.

Harry: Austin, I’m already here,  could you like, wait for me outside the entrance?

Austin: Certainly sir. 

I waited.

Austin: Sir, I am already here. There are no photographers yet sir. 

Harry: Thank you. 

I went out the car and made sure that I locked it. 

Austin was right, there are no photographers. Which is weird. Super weird.

I saw Austin standing near the entrance.

Harry: Austin, what happened?

Austin: Why don’t we enter first sir? Photographers are coming.

So we entered and walked.

Austin: Miss Parsons attacked Dr. Kavanagh after her brother’s wedding, Miss Parsons started by pulling Dr. Kavanagh while she and her father was walking away, then it was a cat fight wherein, Miss Parsons was the only one fighting, Dr. Kavanagh kept pushing her away, as well as her father, Dr. Kavanagh, but Miss Parsons pushed Allana, and since Dr. Allana’s leg is on a cast, she was off-balanced and fell to the ground resulting to a mild concussion. Fortunately, Dr. Shaughnessy has not left the venue yet, so he was the one who made first-aids. 

Harry: Who’s her doctor now? It’s not Shaughnessy isn’t it?

Austin: No, it’s Dr. Ian Cole. 

Harry: Okay, who’s here waiting for her?

Austin: Besides you and me, her mother and father are waiting, Dr. Shaughnessy left before you came. 

Harry: That’s good.

When we arrived at the waiting room, we did not have the time to sit down because, Allana came out in a wheelchair, and I assumed that Dr. Cole was the one pushing the chair.

Katarina went out with James, Austin and I followed them.

Katarina: (To Dr. Cole) Is she okay now?

Dr. Cole: Yes, but she needs to stay here for one night, because she’s under observation, and she can’t sleep for 24 hours.

James: Hear that, Allana, you can’t sleep for a day.

Allana smiled.

Allana: Does Brad know?

Katarina: We told him, but we told him not to come and just push through with their plans.

Allana: I’ll just call him later.

Dr. Cole: Why don’t we get settled in your room, Dr. Kavanagh.

Allana: Thank you, Ian.

Katarina: What room will she be in?

Dr. Cole: Uh, room 513.

Katarina: I’ll see you upstairs.

Allana: Okay, I’ll see you.

I just wanted to talk.

Harry: I’ll go upstairs with you.

Allana looked like she’s frowning. But I can’t see because she has a bandage on her forehead 

Allana and  I just stared at each other.

Dr. Cole: Are we going upstairs or what?

Allana: We are. With him. Upstairs.

The elevator right was so long! Or at least I thought it was long, because no body talked! Dr. Cole stared at the elevator door, Allana leaned on the arm of the chair, with her head on her hand, Austin has his I-am-guarding-the-Prince-so-BACKOFF look again, and I am thinking long elevator thoughts.

The elevator stopped at the third floor, two young ladies entered and  I heard that they were talking about me, Allana and Gianna, the news and the cat fight.

Lady 1: The Prince is stupid for hanging out with Gianna, I mean, we all know she’s got a long, long history of starting catfights.

Lady 2: True, true, that move was stupid! I mean, I ship them, totally, they look so good together. And one date at Nando’s ruined it.

I grabbed Allana’s free hand, she frowned at me, or at least I think she frowned.

Great, we are in the 5th floor.

I said to the ladies: Uh, excuse me.

The first lady moved and the second one just opened her mouth and her eyes to it’s maximum. And they were just staring.

Harry: Excuse me, we have to pass.

Lady 2 managed to speak: Uh, oh, uh, sure.

When we got out, I heard one speak-

Lady: They heard us.

Lady: Every word.

Lady: That was a stupid move

Lady: A lot stupider. Why didn’t we think that they would probably be here at St. Mary’s!

And I cannot hear them anymore.

And I agree that it was a stupid move.

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