Chapter Twenty-Four

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Harry’s Perspective

I woke up at three in the morning, I got in Allana’s ICU room, she’s back from surgery and the rib is now fine, I held her hand and traced her knuckles with my thumb. After five minutes, she responded, she moved her index finger and tapped it on my hand, she opened her eyes and stared at me. I smiled at her, she smiled back. Although I know she could not respond in terms of speaking, I talked anyway.

Harry: It’s a good thing you are alive. Blink once if you hear and understand me, twice if not.

She blinked once.

Harry: Good, well, I’m being deported in Afghanistan for two years, and I’m not going to be able to see you until then. Are you okay?

She blinked twice.

Harry: Are you in pain?

She blinked once.

I pressed a red button which releases relaxants or things like that. And she closed her eyes. Although I was feeling a little bit reluctant, I kissed her forehead.

Harry: I’ll see you in two years. 

And I left her room. 

I went to Brad’s room, and I was surprised to see him awake. 

Brad: Hey.

Harry: Hi.  

Brad: What’s going on? Is Allana okay?

Harry: She’s fine. 

Brad: Then what are you doing here?

Harry: I came to say goodbye. I’m leaving for a two year deportation in Afghanistan.

Brad: What? Two years?

Harry: Trust me, I’ll be just in time for the wedding.

Brad: Take care. And make sure that you are back here in one piece.

Harry: I will. Get well soon. And please tell Allana to get well soon.

Brad: Why?

Harry: I just came out from her room and she woke up, I spoke to her and she responded through blinking, once for yes, twice for no. 

Brad: You do know that blinking hurts right? Especially because she has some wounds in the area of her eyes.

Harry: I did not know that! That’s why when I asked her if she’s in pain she blinked once. 

Brad: How will you leave this hospital?

Harry: The same way I went in. The main entrance. 

Brad: There are photographers outside.

Harry: It’ll be fine. There’s nothing wrong about answering questions.

Brad: Yeah, but how about the questions after you leave UK? There’s probably going to be a controversy or two about you leaving your fiance or something.

Harry: I already wrote an answer about that issue that will be released by the Palace if ever that controversy comes out. 

Brad: You are a good man.

I smiled. 

Harry: I have to go. I’ll see you soon. 

Brad: Is the wedding prepared already?

Harry: Yes everything is prepared for. 

Brad: Thank you. Harry, take care of yourself, I can’t and won’t take it if you don’t show up in the wedding and let my sister wait for a bridegroom that’s never gonna come. I really, really mean, good care. 

Harry: I will. I promise. 

Brad: Bye and I’ll see you soon. 

Harry: I’ll see you soon. 

I went out. 

As I was walking pass Allana’s room, Dr. Shaughnessy came out. 

Harry: Dr. Shaughnessy, what happened?

Dr. Shaughnessy: Miss Kavanagh stopped breathing. Her respirator stopped, actually, mysteriously stopped, we got here on time, and we were able to revive her. 

I noticed his tear-stained face. Did he cry? 

Harry: Thank you, Doctor. 

Dr. Shaughnessy: Excuse me. 

When Dr. Shaughnessy left, I stared at Allana. She opened her eyes. I held out my hand in a little wave. She was able to raise her index finger. It was 4:40 am already, I have to leave,so I pointed at my watch, to signify that I have to leave, she bent her finger up and down, which I hope said bye, I gave her a wink. She closed her eyes. And I left. 

Austin brought my bags in the car, and luckily, I left my military bags in the Army so, I don’t have to worry about anything. 

When I reached the reception area, I could see the flash of lights outside. Great, reporters. 

So, I went out. Just as I thought, the lights grew even brighter.  A reporter asked:

Reporter: How’s Miss Kavanagh?

Harry: She’s now fine. She’s awake. 

Another reporter: Where is she? Why is she not with you?

Harry: I have to be in Afghanistan, for a two-year deportation. 

Another, Another Reporter: Is the wedding gonna push through?

Harry: Uh, when I get back, yes. Absolutely, there is no reason why we are not gonna push through with the wedding.

Luckily, and thank goodness, Austin with the car came already! 

Before entering the car, I waved to the crowd, the cameras and of course the viewers, Then I sat in and closed the door and Austin drove off

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