Chapter Fifty-Four

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Harry seems unimpressed when he entered my home. I should have took him in my house. Which is right out back, yeah, I'll just take him there later. This is where we throw parties and stuff, and there are three houses out back, one for me, Brad and Carmela, but I don't think that Brad will use his because he wanted to live in New York with Sam.

Allana: This is not where I live.

Harry frowned.

Harry: Then what are we doing here?

Allana: Well, I just wanted to show you where we throw parties and stuff.

Harry: So, where do you live?

Allana: Out back. First house to the left. This is where my parents live.

Harry: Well, then. let's go to your place.

Luckily, Clarisse settled the things on my kitchen counter. My house looks a little bit modern, compared to my parent's house of course. And is a lot bigger than Brad or Carmela's, because I added a little money to the construction of the house.

Clarisse was washing the strawberries when we entered.

Harry: Hey, is it possible for us to, have the house for ourselves?

Allana: I think so. Why?

Harry: I want a little bit privacy, you know for the experience.


Allana: I'll send her home after lunch.

Harry: No, after she washes all of the things we bought.

Allana: Including the hats?

Harry: No. The tomatoes, potatoes and strawberries.

Allana: Okay.

Harry sat on a bar stool beside the counter.

Allana: Hey, Clarisse, could you prep the ingredients for Grilled Salmon Mignons with Tomato Basil Relish?

Clarisse: Sure. With the utensils needed?

Allana: Yes, please and please set the table.

She nodded.

Clarisse: Do you need anything else?

Allana: No, thanks. And Clarisse, I'm giving you a day off.

Clarisse: Really?

Allana: Just be sure you'll be back tomorrow, okay?

Clarisse: You know what, Allana, you are the best.

I smiled then she left.

I turned to Harry.

Allana: So, we have the house to ourselves now.

Harry stood up.

Harry: I'm going to cut the tomatoes.

Allana: You? Could you cut a tomato?

Harry: Yeah.

Allana: With a knife or scissors?

Harry: Could you cut a tomato with a pair of scissors? Of course! A knife!

I handed him a bread knife.

Harry: Seriously, a bread knife?

Allana: I'm worried that you might cut yourself. Hey! You're lucky I did not hand you a knife that cuts clay!

I was standing infront of the drawer that keeps the knives, and Harry walked to me.

And suddenly, his body was pressed to mine. And his eyes met mine.

I broke off my gaze.

Allana: Wha-what are you doing?

Harry: Getting a serrated knife.

Allana: Would you please get off of me?

Harry gave a devilish smile.

Allana: Please?

He rolled his blue eyes and got off me.

Harry whispered to my ear. Playfully.

Harry: I got my serrated knife already.

Allana: Good luck.

Harry was studying how he would cut a tomato, he has not cut any tomatoes yet.

I was grilling the salmon when I heard Harry say something.

Harry: Shit!

I turned around.

Allana: What happened?

I saw his bleeding finger. He cut himself.

He looked at his bleeding finger, and he was shaking.

Harry: I cut my finger with a serrated knife.

I turned off my griller.

Allana: I'll go get the first aid kit. You sit down on the bar stool.

I ran to the bathroom and got my first aid kit.

When I got down, Harry's pale and he's using a towel to put pressure to the wound, I ran to him and checked his pulse.

Allana: Are you hemophobic?

Harry: Just a little bit.

I smiled at him.

Allana: Let's go over the sink and wash your hands.

I washed his hands, I was applying pressure to his finger to stop the bleeding, and well, he cut his finger really bad. It was very long.

Harry: Is it bad?

Allana: Well, let's just say, you thought your finger was a tomato.

He smiled.

And then I realized, Queen Victoria's descendants have sex-linked X chromosomal disease called hemophilia.

Allana: Are you a hemophiliac?

Harry: No. Just a hemophobe.

I applied Betadine on his wound. He winced.

Allana: It stings right?

He nodded.

I gave him a set of Band-Aids.

Allana: Choose a design.

I'm a big fan of collecting Band-Aids. Since I am a doctor, I have to have many Band-Aids.

He chose the one with airplanes on them.

Allana: Airplanes?

Harry: You like collecting Band-Aids huh?

I nodded.

I applied the Band-Aid to him.

Allana: Why don't we just have something, like, uh, fried chicken? Or something else?

Harry: Chicken is nice.

Allana: Just sit there and I will cook.

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