Chapter Twenty-Eight

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When I woke up the next day, Brad was in my room in a wheelchair, probably texting because he has his iPhone on his hand.

Brad: Good, you’re up.

Allana: Why?

Brad: Mum and Dad are coming over in a short while and I am notifying them if you are already awake.

Allana: Where’s Carmela?

Brad: She left two hours ago. She went back to Italy because her classes start tomorrow.

Allana: Oh. I didn’t have a chance to say goodbye

Brad: She’ll be back in November 15, three days before her birthday, and leave after new year.

Allana: Oh, still, I did not have any chance to say goodbye.

Brad: She’ll call when she lands in Italy.

Allana: I will say goodbye and hello.

Brad: Nice

Allana: How did you sleep?

Brad: Good, and sound,now that I know that you’re awake and not in a life-threatening situation.

Allana: How many times did I flatline?

Brad: More than 3 times. But in minutes, in total of 15 minutes.

Allana: I’m dead for 15 minutes?

Brad: Yeah.

Allana: Well then, this is my second life now and before the car crashed I was still getting married to the Prince and now, my ‘second life’ I am still getting married to the Prince. 

Brad: You know, he isn’t such a bad man. 

Allana: Really?

Brad: Actually, he’s pretty good.

Allana: I have to see it for my self.

Brad: FYI, he did not shower for three days just to wait for you to wake up, only drank coffee for three days.

Allana: Still…

Brad smiled. 

Allana: When he comes back, I will thank him for staying here you know.

Brad: I know. 

Allana: Have you eaten yet?

Brad: No. I think food is being delivered over my room. 

Allana: Is Sam coming?

Brad: Uh, I don’t think so. But she’ll try. Hey, I gotta go back and eat and drink my medicines. 

Allana: Oh, okay, I’ll just wait for Dr. Shaughnessy or mum and dad, whoever comes first. 

Brad turned his wheels around.

Brad: I’ll see you soon. 

Allana: See you. 

Then he left, smoothly, because Dr. Shaughnessy opened it. 

Allana: Oh, great, you’re here. ( With sarcasm everywhere and rolled my eyes.)

David (Dr. Shaughnessy): Well, good morning to you too. 

I faked a smile. 

David: So, how are you feeling?

Allana: Hungry, and in a little bit in pain. 

David: Food is coming in shortly. 

Allana: How will I eat?

I attempted to raise my arms. Painful. It was painful. 

David: Actually, I have cleared my schedule this morning just to feed you. 

Feed me? What am I? Yeah, temporarily disabled! 

Allana: Feed me?! Why will you feed me?

David: Well, you couldn’t feed yourself.

Allana: Yeah, I could!

I just don’t want you to feed me! I mean, dude! We are not going out anymore! The past is history dude! 

Then the food came in. Great. Just what I needed! David opened the food cover and handed me the utensils. 

David: Uh, enjoy. I’m just gonna sit here and study your charts and some of your x-rays. Eat.

Allana: Oh, thank you. 

What did I put my self in to?! I mean, I couldn’t even lift the utensils. My arms were throbbing! Great, he knows that I cannot do this alone! 

David: How’s the food?

Allana: Well, it sucks.  

David: Yeah, you haven’t tasted it.

Allana: I don’t need you. Thank you.

David: Okay.

He stood up and headed for the door, opened it and put a foot out of the door.

Guess I need him. 

Allana: Hey,uh, David?

He turned his head.

David: Yeah?

Allana: I..uh..I..

David: I?

Allana: (whispers) I need you.

David: What? I didn’t catch that.

Allana: Ich brauche dich.*

*Ich brauche dich- I need you. (German)

David: Hai bisogno di me.

*Hai bisogno di me- you need me? (Italian)

Allana: Echt waar? Italiaans? Ik sprak Duits!

* Echt waar? Italiaans? Ik sprak Duits!- Really? Italian? I was speaking German!

David:  Similis non estis soli homines multilingues.

*Similis non estis soli homines multilingues.- Looks like you are not the only one multilingual. (Latin)

Allana: Nice one, Latin.

David: Do you really need me?

Allana: Yes please.

David: Okay. 

He got the utensils out of my hands and well, started to fix the food in the spoon.

David: Open up.

I did. And I don’t like hospital food. GROSS!

Allana: Did  you make this?

David: No. Why?

Allana: I don’t like it.

David laughed. 

David: Well, Allana, I love you.

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