Chapter Thirteen

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The interview was full of me and little of Harry. So, I went back upstairs, and changed in to a different shirt. And also freshen up.

On my way down, I dropped by Harry’s room.

I knocked.

Harry(from the inside): Who is it?

Allana: Uh, me.

Harry: Oh. Wait a moment.

So, after a minute or two, Harry opened the door.

Harry: Hi. Come on in.

So, I entered.

His room was blue. The thing that caught my eye in his room was the bookshelf because it was not filled with books, but filled with pictures in their little frames.

Harry: So, what do you want?

Allana: Oh, I was just going to ask you if I could go with Brad this afternoon instead of taking you or making a public appearance today with you.

Harry: What is Brad doing?

Allana: Brad is going to have a performance with his band in the Abbey Road.

Harry: Will there be live audiences?

Allana: I guess so.

Harry: Okay.

Allana: Really?

Harry nodded.

Allana: Thank you.

Harry: And, I’m not leaving tomorrow.

Allana: So, when are you leaving?

Harry: Tonight.

Allana: Oh, that soon?! Are you okay with it? I mean, the schedule?

Harry: Yeah.

Then my phone rang. A text message from Brad, which says that he’s already here to pick me up.

Harry: You gotta go right?

Allana: Yeah.

So I approached him, and hugged him. (I really did not know why?! ) and whispered to him.

Allana: Take good care of yourself.

And I let go of him. And went for the door.

Harry: You too. Take care.

Allana: I’ll see you in March.

Brad was waiting outside in his Camry.

Allana: Hi!

Brad: Hey!

Allana: So, you excited?!

Brad: Yes.

Allana: Shaina and Jack already here in England?

Brad: Yeah. Already prepping for Abbey Road.

Allana: Leggooo!

Brad’s band was first to perform. And, boy, they were good! Amazing!

Shaina, Brad, and Jack, sat on our table, we talked. Seems like, (I can sense) that Shaina and Jack will go steady in some point in life.

Then David stood on the stage thingy, whatever. Looks like he’s gonna perform.

Allana: Brad, are you aware that he’s gonna perform tonight?

Brad: No. I’m sorry.

Shaina: Why?

Then David started singing-‘The Man Who Can’t Be Moved’

Shaina: I got it.

Then Harry texted me, which says-’ Good bye for now. I’ll see you soon.’

Allana: Hey, why don’t we leave this place, and have dinner back at home?

Jack: That seems like a great idea! I’ve always wanted to see Brad’s place!

So, we left Abbey Road.

Brad drove the Camry, I sat on the passenger side, Shaina and Jack sat on the back.

The car ride was so happy. Shaina cracked jokes, Jack laughed in most of them. Brad laughed in some. I couldn’t help but laugh because of their laughter! Especially Shaina’s laugh.

Then we saw a Prius rushing to my right, overspeeding, it looks like it’s out of brakes or something. And it hit us. I saw everything, right after the airbags popped up.

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