Chapter Twenty

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Is he really serious about this? I’m just making a donation! What’s wrong with that?

Harry: Yes. Is there something wrong with that?

William: Are you really serious about this donation?

Harry: Yes.

William: I want you to change your mind.

Harry: No. Allana bled through her IV. She lost almost 3 pints of blood. So, no, I am not changing my mind. And is there something wrong about that?

William: As long as you are sure about this. I have to go now. Kate needs me. Just call me if you need something.

Harry: Will do. Bye.

Then William left with Matthew.

Carmela was just staring at Allana. I stood by her side.

Carmela: Mum and Dad will come here tomorrow. Brad’s up and about. Not really, Brad’s up, and about in a chair. Allana just bled through her IV. I miss her. She does not look like Allana anymore.

Harry: What do you mean?

Carmela: She’s almost in a full body cast. She has wounds from the glass. When she wakes up, she’s gonna freak about those scars. Hey, Harry, when do you plan to take a shower?

Harry: Well, I don’t know. Why?

Carmela: You could use the bathroom in Brad’s room.

Harry: Thank you.

Carmela: No problem. I’ll just tell Brad. Excuse me.

I was left there with Allana. Austin was with William and Matthew. I did not hear why. But he will be back soon.

Will Allana be back soon?

Carmela came back with some good news. I guess.

Carmela: Hey, Harry. You can take a shower now at Brad’s room. Brad has not used it, he has a catheter attached to him. It’s still clean.

Harry: Oh, thank you. Could you watch…?

Carmela: Sure, no problem. I was planning on watching her anyway.

Harry: Thank you. What’s the number of Brad’s room?

Carmela: Number 218. You wouldn’t miss it, it has his name under the big numbers-’ Bradford  Lewis Kavanagh’. You don’t need to enter quietly, he’s up, he’s nebulizing, crying made his asthma attack.

Harry: Thank you. Excuse me.

Brad was playing with his iPad when I came in. He was texting with someone because I heard his iPhone 5 ring.

Harry: Hi. You okay?

Brad: Feeling better. Physically. Emotionally? No, my bestfriend is gone, my sister is not yet better, she’s not even good yet.

Harry: Are your parents’ coming?

Brad: Yes. Tomorrow morning.

Harry: When can you get out?

Brad: 2 weeks from now. It depends.

Harry: How’s Shaina?

Brad: Broken. She and Jack were in Julliard because they wanted to enhance their musical abilities. They were classmates in Law School.

Harry: How about you? Do you have a girlfriend?

Brad: Yeah, her name is Samantha, actually, she’s my fiancé. Luckily, I got down on one knee just in time because I couldn’t get down on one knee now.

Harry: Congratulations. Really, that’s amazing. How did it feel? You know, actually proposing to a girl you really know and love?

Brad: You proposed to Allana.

Harry: So that we have a story. I don’t really know her.

Brad: Okay, it felt… it felt, great. I really do not have the words for the feeling.

Austin texted me. He was looking for me, I texted back where I was, 218, and bring my bag of clothes with him. He replied -‘Okay’. As if he has a choice.

Harry: How come your gadgets survived?

Brad: Carmela brought my iPad here. My iPhone had an Otterbox case, so it survived.

Harry: It really works?

Brad: My phone survived. Even Allana’s phone survived.

Harry: I will buy and try one. 

Brad smiled, at least he tried to, he has a wound on the side of his lip, and it bled.

Harry: Brad, your wound is bleeding.

Brad: Yeah, it hurts you know. 

Harry: Do you want me to get a nurse or something?

Austin came in. 

Harry: Austin, could you get a nurse in here?

Austin gave me my bag and called a nurse. 

The nurse put a bandage on Brad’s bleeding wound and left. I showered. Showering is all I need. I did not shave because I want to look like a cast-away when Allana wakes up. 

When I came out from the shower, Brad was asleep. Did I shower to long? He has a nasal catheter on. So I left.And went back to Allana.

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