Chapter Forty

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Harry's Perspective

I had a long bath after the commotion. My fingers were wrinkly when I left the tub. I just stared at the ceiling for an hour.

Austin left when I gave him his assignment.

When I went out, William was sitting

on my bed with today's paper on his hand.

Harry: Oh, not you too. You're breaking up with me, aren't you.

William made a face.

William: What?

Harry: What's up?

William: What the hell is this?

He pointed to the tabloid.

Harry: Are you pertaining to the paper or the news on the paper?

William: The news on the paper?! What the hell, Henry! You know better than this! Remember? We made a pact, to be loyal and true to the lady that we are with?!

Harry: I pretty much remember that pact, William.

William: Why did you break it?

Harry: I don't know. Maybe I wanted to try something new. Maybe I wanted to do something new.

William: What? Cheating on your fiancé is something new? What a stupid idea!

Harry: You're lecturing me about stupidity?! Great training for your fatherhood!

William: What's got in your head, huh?

Harry: As you said, stupidity! Because I have always been the one who is stupid! Or the one who comes up with crazy, stupid ideas! And you, you, are the one who is perfect!

William: What? Now it's about me?


William: Maybe you should rest first. It seems that you don't know what you are saying.


William: You don't.

Harry: Here you go again. Trying to tell me what to do.

William: Harry, you should take a nap.

Harry: What?

William: We'll talk about this later.

Harry: Oh, you're coming back?! Better yet, take a nap with me!

William: I'm coming back later.

Harry: Looking forward to it.

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