Chapter Seven

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When he said everything is provided for you, he really meant everything. Clothes, perfect size, shoes, perfect size and preference, accessories, perfect, wow, it’s as if I never left my room. 

Before going to sleep, I called Carmela, I told her that, since I got no ride home, I’m spending the night at Harry’s. And, well, she’s not home too.

She’s with her friends, some sort of going away party. She’s leaving in a week, so, it’s understandable. Brad’s in Cambridge, with her girlfriend, Sam. 

I woke up the next day because there were maids who woke me up, sorta, their presence woke me up.

Maid 1: Sorry to wake you, Miss. 

Allana: What’s going on? 

Maid 1: The Prince wanted us to make sure that everything is ready for today’s agenda. 

Allana: Which is?

Maid 2: Yachting or swimming. Which ever comes first. 

Allana: Could you please make sure that I have a bottle of sunscreen lotion? I don’t want to be tan before the wedding.

Maid 1: Very well, Miss.

Allana: You are? 

Maid 1: Reign Edwards

Maid 2: Gabrielle Masen.

Allana: Will you be my permanent maids?

Reign: Yeah, we are not maids. We’re your hair stylist and your stylist.

Allana: Great. So, no calling me ‘Miss’. Just Allana. Nor ‘Duchess’. Got it?

Gabrielle: Yes, Allana. 

Then I got up, and took a long shower. I really, really need it. 

I think I almost fell asleep, when I think, Reign knocked at the door.

Reign: Allana? Are you almost done? The Prince is waiting.

Allana: Yeah. Almost.

Then I went out, in a robe, and my clothes were already prepared. And, boy, do they have a sense of style. 

Allana: Who styled this?

Reign: Me and Gabbie

Allana: This.. This is spectacular! I mean, I’m runway ready! 

Gabrielle: Reign and Gabbie Summer Collection.

Allana: I have known you two for like 30 minutes, and I like you two alot. 

Then the three of us went down. As we went down, we were approached by some lady, who apparently knows Reign and Gabbie.

Allana: You three know each other?

Reign: Yeah. 

Gabrielle: Allana Kavanagh, meet Beda Justin, your secretary.

Allana: I have a secretary.

Beda: The three of us were just assigned by Prince Harry to be your acquaintances in the palace. 

Allana: So, this is permanent.

Beda: Unless you want changes.

Allana: I like you three. 

Then Harry went down. Beda, Gabbie and Reign curtsied, I didn’t. He said that I do not need to be formal with him. 

Harry: Good morning. 

Allana: Morning.

Harry: You ready?

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