Chapter Twenty-Three

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I woke up in a white room, or a room with white lights, a lot of white lights, I was wearing a white shirt and white jeans, and white shoes. 

Someone poked my back. It was Jack, Brad’s friend.

Allana: Jack, hi, what’s going on?

Jack: Shaina and I got married.

Shaina came in and went arm in arm with Jack.

Allana: Oh my goodness, that explains the white clothes! Congratulations!

Shaina: Thank you.

Allana: Where is everybody? Brad?

Shaina: Why don’t we just enjoy the party?

Allana: What party?

Shaina: The wedding.

Jack: Yes, we prepared this, we poured out our time in here.

Allana: No, there was no time, we were in Abbey Road, the three of you sang in there, and we got..

Suddenly, I felt my body ache, head to toe, I sat down, and froze, I could only feel pain, a very sharp pain in my extremities. A stabbing pain in my abdomen, and all of a sudden I couldn’t breathe. 

I closed my eyes. And all I could feel was pain. 

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