Chapter Forty-Five

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When the dinner came, the food from the hospital, I did not touch it. I hate hospital food. Being a doctor myself, I never liked hospital food! So, Harry told Austin to buy food from the outside world. I had an idea that Austin should just get food from the Palace. I mean it’s just 2 kms. away. I don’t know which idea did he choose to follow, all I know is food is coming.

Harry: Why don’t you want to eat the hospital food?

Allana: I don’t want it. It does not taste that good. It’s bland. And I hate bland food.

Harry: Do you cook?

Allana: Yeah, I cook and sometimes bake. Why?

Harry: I’m just wondering if you could cook. Do you have time for it?

Allana: Uh, at first no, I was really working here and working on my doctorate thesis to get a scholarship in Harvard, but since my accident, I had to move my arms, Mum insisted on me baking, then I learned how to cook.

This bloke is really interested in my life.

Allana: How about you? Do you cook?

Harry: Uh, I cook a lot better than William, but I still need to practice on it.

Allana: Oh, we can practice actually, if there will be a wedding, I could teach you how to, you know, cook stuff.

Harry: You will teach me how to cook stuff?

Allana: What’s wrong with that? You can cook an egg right?

Harry: Scrambled eggs. I can’t cook those sunny-side ups.

Allana: Oh, well, we’ll start with a sunny-side up egg.

Austin came in with a bag which I hope that is full of food from somewhere.

Allana: Who’s idea did you take after all?

Austin: Yours. Food from the palace is more practical than buying food from the outside. Palace food is much healthier.

Harry: But it’s not bland?

Austin: No sir.

Allana: You sure? I hate foods that are bland. And colorless.

Austin: I’m pretty sure ma’am.

Allana: Okay, what did you just call me?

Austin: M-

Allana: Don't ever call me that. I have a first name. Okay?

Austin: Yes.

Allana: What did you bring anyway?

Austin: I got, pesto pasta and spaghetti.

Allana: Oh, what are you gonna eat?

Austin: I already ate.  That’s why it took long for me to come back.

Allana: Oh, Harry, what do you want, spag or pesto?

Harry: Uh, you choose first.

Allana: You choose first. Both to me are colorful.

Harry: Uh, I, choose, uh, spaghetti.

Austin: It comes with meatballs.

Harry: Meatballs. I won. Yippie!

Allana: Then I get the pesto.

Austin: It comes with garlic bread. That I sorta, left in the palace.

Allana: You brought the meatballs but you left the garlic bread?

Austin: Yeah, sorry, I forgot to pack them.

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