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                     *Next Day*          

                *Diamond's POV*

The next morning I woke up  and groaned. Its the weekend but I have to get up. I slowly rise up from the bed and open the window. Its hot outside so I decided to show off a little skin. I went to my closet and pulled out my black bandeu top, my black and white stripped skinnys and my black and white oreos (Jordans).

I then went to the bathroom and did my hygiene routine.I then came out got dressed and flat ironed my hair so it was touching the top of my butt. I put on some lip gloss,grabbed my purse,leather jacket and  phone.I  went downstairs and my grandma was at the table drinking coffee. "Goodmorning grandma" I say.  She smiles. "Goodmorning dear your grandfather is in the field....When your ready to go to the stand tell him" she says. I nod and head out the back door into the field.

"Goodmorning Grandpa" I say. He turns and looks at me. "Goodmorning sweetie...Umm the outfit?" he says. I let out a giggle. "Dont worry I dont plan on doing anything illegal....Can you drop me off at the market?" I ask. He nods and takes off his gloves. He grabs the keys from the top of the barn shelf and ushers me to his 2013 Mercedes Benz.

I get in and put on my seatbelt.

*30 minutes later*

We pull up and he stops in front of the store. "You still going to the mall later?" he ask. I nod. "I added money to your credit card earlier so you should be all set" he says. "Thanks Grandpa....I love you" I say kissing his cheek and getting out. He pulls off and I enter the market.

I go back to the Managers office and knock. "Just a sec" I hear a voice say. I scroll through my phone while waiting on him. Then I hear the door open but before I could look up I hear my name. "Diamond?" the voice ask. I looked up and smile.

"Mareoa.....your manager?" I ask. He gives me a proud grin and shakes his head yes. I giggle. " Well my granddad wanted me to come by and you know get the hang of things" I say. He nods his head and ushers me to follow him.

"Alright well Mrs.Lane first we start off with check out clerks....I guess I will introduce them to you" Mareoa says.

   I just nod letting him now im still here.

"This is Franchesca" he says pointing to a women in a green apron. She gives me a smile and I return it.

"This is my bestfriend George" he says. I give him a confused look.

"I thought Frog was your bestfriend" I say. He nods.

"They are both my bestfriends" he says. I nod understanding.

"Nice to meet you beautiful" George says kissing my hand. I blush at his kindness.

"George is a charmer thinks he can get any girl he wants" Mareoa says walking away. I follow behind him soaking up everything he says.

Mareoa suddenly stops.

"Listen your enemy works here and its manditory I introduce you to her so dont let her sweat you" he says. I breathe a heavy sigh. "Ok" I say. He grabs my arm and ushers me towards the last register.  "Casey meet the heriss to the Lane Market...Diamond Lane" he says. She has a smile on her lips until she looks up at me.

Her face goes pale. She look like she seen a ghost. I give off my best smile then go towards Mareoas office. "I would like the see the data" I say. He nods and goes behind his desk. I casually sit on top and he clamps some papers into my lap.

"This place is doing great" I say shocked. He smiles. "People like the friendly atmosphere" Mareoa says. I nod believing him.

I hand him back the folders and stay in my position on top of the desk. "You still-" Mareoas starts but never finishes because his phone rings. He rolls his eyes and picks up. "Hello?" he says.The person on the other line says something then he replies. "Yeah im still coming to the mall see you soon...bye." he looks down on me.

"Like I was saying are you still going to the mall?" he ask. I nod. "Yeah I need some summer outfits" I say. "Good I will drive you....let me just clock out" he says. I nod and hop off the table. I follow behind him towards the break room. He takes a card and clocks himself out. "Lets go my lady" he says impersonating a british person. I giggle and jump on his back. He catches my legs and gives me a piggy back ride.

"Have a nice day Mrs.Lane" one of the employees says to me. I give them a wave as Mareoa carries me out the store. "Who all is going" I ask. "Me,You,Frog,Cassie,and George"he says. I nod. Suddenly George comes out. "Alright lets get to the mall" he says. Hopping in the back. I put my seatbelt on and Mareoa starts the Mustang. We pull off in no time.

*1 hour later*

We pulled up to the mall. I got out and searched the parking lot for Frog. It didnt take long to find him because he did his frog call. I quickly ran up to him and hopped on his back.

"There is a chocolate Latte' attached to my back.....Mareoa HELP!!" he yells. Mareoa runs over and picks me up putting me over his shoulder.  "Okay little one dont scare the Frog"he says. I giggle as he puts me down. "You people are weird" we hear a voice say from behind. I turn around and Cee Cee (the new girl) is standing there looking at us. I go over and hug her. She returns it then walks over to Mareoa and gives him a long lingering hug. I dont know why but this made me jealous.

*Mareoas POV*

Cassie ran up to me and gave me a bone crushing hug. I looked over my shoulder at Diamond and she had her head to the ground. I quickly got out of Cassie's grip and walked over to Diamond. "Ready to shop?" I ask her. She gives me a nod but the smile wasnt there. "Is there something wrong" I ask. She gives me a fake smile. "No im fine" she says. I could tell she was lieing but I wasnt gonna push it.

*Diamonds POV*

If only I had a explanation for what I was feeling....

*Ahh this chapter was short kind of a filler chapter....hmmm

"What you guys think Diamond Is feeling?"

Let me know. Thanks for the reads and votes and comments. CONTINUE TO FOLLOW also. I dont have much to say but I love you guys-XOXO-Destini

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