Nobody Fucks With A Lane.

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I couldnt do it...theirs something about this story thats different from my others...You guys have a more positive attitude..This story is not one you can just put on regard my last statement. CDM just cant be put on hold....SORRY FOR MISTAKES...READ ON LOVELY MAREOA FANS :)


*Diamonds POV*

"Oh come on Cassie...dont do that to him" I say.

"Shut took him from me..You took my happiness" she says.

"I didnt do shit to you"  I say giving her a glare.

"You took Mareoa from took the only person that showed me some love!" she says tears coming out her eyes.

"Cassie I really think your pathetic"I say.

"Its okay....when my dad does his grand opening this weekend your grandma and grand father can say goodbye to "Lanes Market" " she says.

I laugh. "A little competition wont hurt...dont play fire with fire Cassie...somebodys bound to get burned" I say.

She gives me an evil smirk. "Yeah..the one burning will be you" she says.

Mareoa grabs my hand. Before I walk off I finish the argument with the one come back I know she cant come back from.

"Seems like to me your already burning....mmm Mareoa baby your looking nice today" I say walking off with Mareoa.

"THAT..WAS..AWESOME!!" Abigail exclaimed.

I laugh and pop my imaginary collar.

"Well you know..." I say.

She laughs and starts talking back to frog.

I look at Mareoa and he is looking at the ground.

"Hey....whats wrong Vasquez?" I ask.

"Where is my mom gonna work?" he mumbles.

"Bring your mom to dinner tonight.y aunt Queen and 2 of my cousins will be there also but dont be worried...What happens in the Lane house stays in the Lane house" I say.

"I dont know grandma has done so much for me" Mareoa says.

I smile. "Your mom has done so much for me" I say.

"Yeah...I guess so" he says.

For the rest of the time we just walk back to Mareoas car.

Frog and Abigail hit it off perfectly. Im not playing cupid for Frog though. Any girl would fall for that goofy boy.

"You want to swing by my house and check on my mom?" Mareoa ask me.

I nod my head still in my thinking slot. Sometimes if people could get into my head and see what I was thinking I would be thrown in jail for pre-meditated actions.

Ive thought so many things through...Its actually scary.

We got into the parking lot and I almost laughed.

"Diamond did you do this?" Frog asked.

His truck...was covered in Red sticky notes.  and on the top of his hood was a box of chocolates.

"I promise you...I didnt" I say trying my best to keep my composer.

I walk over to the car and grab a stickey.

I read it and couldnt help but laugh.

"Somebody likes you" I say.

"Yeah a little too much for my liking" Frog says.

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