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*Tuesday....Diamonds POV*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I slammed on it hard hoping I broke it.I mentally groaned then got out of bed.

I walked to my balcony and opened it. It was humid outside so I decided on shorts,a shirt with no sleeves and my black flats.

I went to my closet pulled out my cheetah print sleeveless shirt, black shorts that stopped a couple inches above my knees and my flats. After that I went into the bathroom and did my routine.

When I came out I put my hair into a messy bun not caring what I looked like. Then I put on some eye liner and E.O.S to make the look simple.

"Diamond somebodies outside" I hear my grandma say.

I look out the balcony and their is Mareoa. I give him the index finger and grab my M.K bag and went into the kitchen. My grandaddy was trying to dance with my grandma.

I look at him smiling and he comes over and grabs me turning me around. "Princess after school I need you at the market" he says.

I nod telling him I agree. He lets me go as I give him and my grandma a kiss.

I walk outside and hug Mareoa. This boy always smells good. "Goodmorning Mr.Vasquez" I say.

He lets out a chuckle and holds me in the engulf. "Goodmorning Mrs.Lane" he says.

I roll my eyes and kiss his cheek before hoping inside his car.He gets into the passenger side and takes off.

*1 hour later*

We pulled up to the school and the first person we see is Cassie. She is standing next to frog...balling her eyes out. I dont see why its not like me and Mareoa are together.....I just like teasing him.

I look at him and he rolls his eyes. "If I ask you to stay in the car will you?" he ask me. I nod. "Tell Frog to come here" I say. He nods and gets out the car.

I cant hear but he clearly said something to Frog cause he got in the driver seat and hugged me. "I bet you ten dollars she hits him" he says.

"I bet my fist to her face that if she does it I will hurt her" I say. Frog looks at me and chuckles. "You got it" he says.

I shrug and look at them. Cassie was crying and causing a scene. I dont know how long I can keep my cool. I was damn near ready to explode. Mareoa was shouting I could tell by the veins in his throat.

She wasnt about to stress him. I got out and walked over to them. "Is there a problem?" I ask Cassie. She scowls. "You are the fucking problem, you were suppose to be my friend, you know how I felt about Mareoa." she spits.

I giggle and look at her. "Baby im single so dont give me you petty drama....has it occured to you maybe he just dont want you" I spat back.

She was so mad she didnt replie she charged at me but lucky for her Mareoa got in the middle she was wide open trying to hit me. I tried my best to maneuver around Mareoa but it wasnt working. He then picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

I beat his back trying to make him let me down....but it wasnt working.

When he finally let me go we were in the building on the way to class. I was beyond mad but I wasnt gonna stress it I was just gonna make it the rest of the day with a smile.

She is mad cause im hanging with Mareoa? its funny cause she should be mad at him. But baby whatever floats her boat. Im Diamond Lane I dont need nobody.

Me and Mareoa got to the first class of the day and took our seats in the back. "Lets get to work" he says.

I nod taking out my notebook and paper. I knew today was a crucial day.


Today the boys played flag football while the girls sat on the bleachers and soaked up the sun. I was listening to music until somebody poked my side. I opened my eyes and Mareoa was hovering over me. He sat next to me and snaked his hand around my waist.

"What boi?" I say. He looks at me with a smile. "We need somebody to play flag football and we have to have a girl on our team" he says. I get wide eyed. "Is it your mission to get me killed?" I ask.

He nods his head disagreeing. "Your job will be simple....I protect you,when I throw you the ball you dodge those boys and you run" he explains.

I roll my eyes but get off the bleachers anyways. Mareoa hands me a blue flag and I insert it into my back pocket. I look at the team were going against and they have Cassie on their team. This was going to be interesting.

It was our ball. Mareoa told me were to stand and I stood their. He called out the numbers then hiked the ball. after he hiked it George caught it and moved down the field. He then passed it to Mareoa but to my suprise Mareoa passed it to me. I caught it and did what Mareoa told me to

I ran as fast as I could down the field and when I made it to the in zone I dropped the ball and did a funny dance. Mareoa came over to me and hugged me lifting me up in the air. "Your amazing" he says. I kiss his cheek and walk back to the bleacher satisfied.


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