I Promise ♡

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*Mareoa's POV*

I turned towards the direction of Diamond. She was staring at the night sky. I started to move towards her until she suddenly came to her senses. She whipped around and we looked at each other.

"Diamond...why?" I asked. She looked at me with a tear sliding down her cheek.

"I will ruin you Mareoa.....like I ruined my mother." she says. I give her a confused look as I inch towards her.

"Ruin her?....Diamond what do you mean by that?" I ask finally getting close enough to her. She looks me in my eye  and holds up her pinky.

"Promise me...you wont tell anybody" she says. I quickly hold my pinky to hers and do the famous pinky swear.

"I promise" I say to her truthfully.She nods her head and walks over to a bean bag chair. I follow her and sit on the one next to her.

She takes her heels off and gets comfortable. "My mother was a saint before I was born....smart,beautiful and had my dad wrapped around her finger....but they got careless, she got pregnant and then boom everything got out of hand" she says.

"How?" I ask. she sighs. "Well...my dad left....she had to leave college to take care of me and you know she never showed it,but I knew she hated me" she said.

"I dont think she does" I say. Diamond just stares at me for a while. I had nothing left to say...but then she held out her pinky again.

  I did the same and we pinky promised again.

"Okay I guess now I can tell you why I dont like driving" She says. I nod just waiting on her to start.

She takes a deep breathe. "The night my mom crashed into that building....she killed a family....I couldnt think about having that on my plate so I take the safe route....I dont drive" she says.

I look at her and just take in everything she says. This girl has had so much happen to her. Its my mission to make sure she has fun. I promised her I would never hurt her and im for real about that promise. Im falling for this girl but I dont wanna ruin her. Everybody I love ends up hurting me or getting hurt.

But its my mission,my duty to make sure Diamond Lane keeps her smile on her face.

All of a sudden there was a loud bang from outside the door. Then it turned and Frog came running into the room. "You two made up?" he asked with urgency. I nodded.

"Okay good, uhh Diamond I need you downstairs their is a little altercation happening" he says.

I look at Diamond and she has a confused look.

*Diamonds POV*

Whatever the hell is happeni g cant be good since frog came and got me. I didnt bother to get my heels. I sprinted out the room and down the stairs. Cassie and some black girl were fighting. I realized why he wanted me to help. Nobody wanted to touch this black girl.

I rolled my eyes but went towards the girls. I grabbed the black girl. Before she could swing on me I ducked then put her in a headlock. Mareoa was holding my shoes and holding Cassie back too.

"Get off me!!" me the girl screams. "Promise me you wont hit her again" I say. The girl hesistated but nodded in agreement. I let her go not letring my guard down.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask clearly pissed. The girl turns to me with a hand extended. "Hi...im Tanya...Tanya Lane...your cousin" she says.


*ahh this chapter is a filler chapter....how are you guys doing? Im fine just watching a little lifetime and eatting gum...well what you think of the story ?* give me feed back-XOXO-DESTINI♡

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