The Grandparents

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I knew I was grass when I got home.My grand daddy doesnt play. My grandma was gonna be furious too....I just hope I dont ruin Mareoa's job.

I knew one thing...I had alot of explaning to do. "Mareoa my granparents are gonna kill me!!" I screech. He has a blank expression.

"Diamond if they get mad just tell me okay" he says walking over to me. I sigh then give him a nod. He then grabs me by my waist kissing my cheek. I had other plans.

I pushed him to his knees then messed with his ear. He started to groan. I had him right where I wanted him. I then started biting and sucking on his neck. When I was done he had a blank expression. "Youve just been served" I say walking away putting some sway in my hips.

I walked to the front just in time to see Frog putting his apron up. He looks at my neck with a horrific look. "Oh my lord Diamond" he says sounding like a old man. "Did he hurt you calling his mom" he says sarcasticly.

I give him a booming laugh and walk out the store. I sat on the trunk of Mareoa's car and waited for him. When he came out he looked bothered.

He got in between my thighs and groaned. "Diamond you just dont know the damage I would do to you" he says. I laugh.

"Stick to cold showers Cowboy" I tease. He scowls at me and helps me down. He then opens my door and smiles. I get in and put my seatbelt on. Mareoa shuts the door and makes his way to his side. He clicks his seat belt the starts the ignition.

"I need a girlfriend" Frog says from the back as we drive off. I give off a silent chuckle thinking about frog settling down.

*30 minutes later*

We pulled up to my grandparents house. I did my handshake with Frog and pecked Mareoa's cheek. I then climbed out and made my way towards the house.When I got inside my grandma was at the table. All of a sudden I remembered the hickey. I dropped my jacket on the coat hanger and darted for the stairs. "Diamond wait...come here" my grandma says. I sigh then slowly walk inside the kitchen. Her eyes come directly to my neck.

When she see's the hickey she starts to trip. "I'll be damned...Johnathan Allen Lane get down here and see what your grand daughter has on her neck" my grandma yells. I roll my eyes and get prepared for the worse. He comes down and I turn towards him.

"Diamond where did that come from" he says. I wasnt in the mood to talk so I just shrugged. "So your not gonna talk....its that Vasquez boy...Diamond im forbidding you to talk to him" my grandfather says. My blood starts to boil.

"How in the heck are you gonna tell me I cant see 17 im almost grown....I cant believe this....IM A VIRGIN GRANDPA IM NOT SOME HOE" I scream.

"Diamond you are grounded" my grandma says. I roll my eyes pissed off. "I really dont care" I say while storming to my room. I slam the door and call up Mareoa.

"Hello?" I hear his half sleep voice say.

"Mareoa my grandparents gave me hell....they dont want me seeing you....dont come get me tomorrow." I say dissapointed.

He sighs. "Im sorry glad you didnt cut me off."

"Get some sleep Mareoa see you at school....goodnight" I say.

He gives me an okay and we hang up. Im seriously pissed how could they do this? Ive always been careful. Well whatever it is doesnt matter.

Mareoa is a special person in my life. Im gonna see him wether they like it or not....I cant believe im gonna say this but........

    Im deeply in love with Mareoa Vasquez.Nobody was gonna seperate us.


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