"Dont Throw up on my face"

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Haha Guys....for those of you that thought it was Cassie...your wrong....for those of you that thought it was a prank...your wrong...for those of you that thought it was her step dad your wrong...and for those who thought it was  George seriously?  you forget about him then try to make him murder one of his closest friends?

Lets get into this chapter...



We have been sitting in this hospital waiting room for hours. The police questioned all of us at the scene and then dusted around the balcony for foreign prints.

They found none at all and this shocked me. Who ever broke the glass was clever.

The police were waiting on Mareoa to wake up and so was Mrs.Vasquez.

She cried from the minute I called her to the minute they said Mareoa was in surgery.

The doctor said Mareoa had lost alot of blood but he should be okay. They were doing a blood transfusion trying to put the blood he lost back inside of him.

I sat there on that bench still in the bloody white tank top and cotton shorts I had on when I discovered his body.

I didnt waiste a second getting to the hospital. I had to make sure Mareoa was okay.

I cried right along with Mrs.Vasquez and didnt feel ashamed about It.

"Family of Mareoa Vasquez" the doctor says.

We all get up and he holds his hands up in a stop formation.

"Okay...Mareoa is all fixed up...who ever stabbed him didnt get any arteries....they cut deep enought to attract alot of blood but not enough to pierce an artery....He is sleeping at the moment but two of you can go in at a time" he says.

George, Frog and Abi sit back down and look at Mrs.Vasquez and I.

We look at them all and George is the first to speak.

"We think you two should go first...stay as long as you want" George  says.

We both nod and head towards the elevator. We get on and push the button to the 6th floor....

It takes a minute and we both get off and head towards room 165 A.

We pull the door open and Mareoa is laying there. In a peaceful sleep.

His mom goes over and strokes his hair.

His eyes flutter open and he looks at her.

"Hey mom" he winces giving her a painful smile.

He then turns his attention towards me and we both smirk.

He points one of his fingers at me signaling me to come closer.

I get close enough to him and he reaches for my hand.I kiss his forehead and he looks at me.

"I know who stabbed me" he states.

My face goes from a smile to a frown.

"Who I ask?" I ask.

He sighs then lifts his shirt up. Carved into his stomach was a S..

I looked at him and then his mom.

"Stacey?....Your crazy ex?" I ask.

He nods. "She thought I was you" he says.

"Why were you in my room anyways?" I question.

"I was about to get your favorite stuffed animal when she came from behind the door and stabbed me." he answers.

I put my hand over my mouth and sit in the chair next to him.

"Im so sorry...Mareoa im soo sorry" I say.

He grabs my hand and shakes his head.

"I would do It all over again Diamond" he says.

I look up at his mom and she is smiling.

"Diamond...you and this boy of mine...you two are something special..." she says.

I smile up at her and she walks over to Mareoa.

"Im going to go home...I took your cousin home Diamond...Stay up here with Mareoa Im going to pack a couple of his things..he is going to be here for 2 days"she says.

I nod as she leaves out. When the door finally shut I snuggled into the chair next to the bed and Mareoa throws a sheet at me.

"I love you...but my blood on your shirt is not appealing" he says.

I give him a small smile and sit there for a while and talk to him.

*1 hour later*

The police finally came in and talked to Mareoa. He explained the whole situation and Stacey was going to go to jail. She tried to apologize to Mareoa after stabbing him....like a sorry was going to pay for stabbing somebody.

After they left out Frog came in and had a tantrum.


"Hey im the one who got stabbed" Mareoa states matter of factly.

Frog looks at me crazy then grabs a pillow and throws it at my face. Before I could retaliate he ran out the room and George came in.

"How you feeling man?" he ask Mareoa when he walked in.

Mareoa gave him a thumbs up.

George then looks at me and sighs.

He takes his hoodie off his body and hands it to me.

I put it on and stand up. I was so short it fit me like a dress.

I sat back down and a nurse came in.

"Welp im here to change your bandages and stitch the rest of the wound up" she says.

Mareoa sits up and takes his hospital shirt off.

She unwraps the bandages and I almost puke. Mareoa's wound was still fresh.The blood had stopped but I could still smell the metallic stench that went along with it.

"Diamond come here" Mareoa says patting the spot next to him.

I get up at sit next to him.

"You ready?" the nurse ask.

He grabs my hand and nods.

"Dont throw up on my face Diamond" Mareoa jokes.

I give off a low chuckle and he kisses my forehead.

"You two are so cute" she says.

I smile and look at her necklace.

There was a moon crescent and the letter R on it.

That necklace was too familiar. I just cant remember where ive seen it.

I continue to think and then it hits me.

Thats the same necklace Roman gave my mom. I look at her and then I look at Mareoa again.

I didnt want to make a scene so I decided to wait. I was going to investigate this more. I had to.


Hmmm what do you think of the necklace?

How you feel about Stacey stabbing Mareoa?



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