Alaska My Ass

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*Diamond's POV*

I was beyond pissed.I called somebody I knew wouldnt make me apologize to them.....Frog.

Frog lived by his self for some of the same reasons im moving away.

Frog's parents didnt want him to grow up too fast and Frog was being the opposite. The end result was them buying him a house. Yes you heard me right...a house.

So when I dialed his number no hesitation was took.

"Hello?"- Frog

"Hey Frog its me,Diamond, look I wanted to ask you if you could spare a room for me at your house" - Me

"Yeah Diamond you got a way up here?" - Frog

"Im probably gonna call Mareoa" Me

He gives me an okay and I decide that calling Mareoa would take forever. I quickly called up a cab service and got my secret saving money. I waited about 30 minutes before the cab arrived.

I quickly got all my stuff and Rolled my suitcase downstairs and out the door. At this moment I wasnt worried about my Grandma and Grandpa. I just hope they understand. Treating me like a 5 year old is not the way to go.

I put my stuff in the trunk of the cab and get in the back. He asks me where I want to go and I give him the adress.

He takes off and I put my beats on my ears blocking out the rest of the world.

*1 hour later*

The car finally came to a stop and Frog was already grabbing my bags out the trunk. I paid the fee, then got out.

"Parent problems?" Frog asked.

I nodded my head not really in the mood to talk. I quickly shot Mareoa a quick text then slid my phone into my back pocket. Frog carried my bags in the house and uo the stairs to a room at the end of a long hallway.

The room was very beautiful. It was a white room with red linings. The bed was red and white with a red dresser.

I was too busy in aww to realize my phone buzz from the text message.

When I had finally realized it I looked and it was Mareoa.

The text brought a smile to my face.

" Okay   I trust frog...See you tomorrow"

I need to talk to Mareoa soon about him and me. These mix signals arent something I can take anymore. I really wanted to be with Mareoa.

I wanted his touch so bad. So bad I was willing to fight for it.

I quickly got Mareoa out of my head and decided to take a shower and get some rest.

I grabbed my undergarments and went into the bathroom. Im glad theirs a bathroom inside this room. I hate taking showers in shared bathrooms. I dont know why but it just gives me an eary feeling.

I quickly turned on the hot water and got inside the shower. I let the water sting me.  When it finally adjusted I  scrubbed my body.

*30 minutes later*

I got out and dried off. After drying off I put my clothes on and wrapped my hair. After wrapping my hair I turned the light off in the room and got inside the bed....instantly feeling sleep come over me.

*just a small filler chapter....I have a sore throat at the I didnt go to school

What you guys think about Diamond....Should she invest her time in Mareoa? or give up? Let me know.....-VOTE COMMENT FOLLOW...


I follow back....-XOXO-DESTINI

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