This Isnt The land of GumDrops

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Sorry for mistakes....Not edited...This update is short because Im breaking my schedule to let you guys see another update please dont complain……because I didnt have to update✌


*Later that night at Frogs house*

"What happened at the game?" Frog asked.

"I scored 15 points"I brag.

"Good job....I heard Cassie had a bloody nose after the to explain." he says.

I laugh. "I socked her in between the eyes....her nose just so happened to be there." I say

Frog lets out a silent chuckle.

"Your something special Diamond." he says.

"Thanks...Frog I also have to talk to you about something" I say.

"Well lay it on me" he says.

I roll my eyes at his comment.

"Well umm I talk to Mareoa and well he explained something to me....something very important that I think  you should hear" I say.

"Mkkay well tell me" he says

"No Frog I think its best you hear it from him" I say.

Frog shakes his head in disagreement.

"Diamond you can take him back...but I havent been seeing the person I called my friend latetly...he is changing. " he says.

I sigh "well please just step foot out the door" I say.

He gets up and walks on to the porch. Mareoa was alresdy there sitting on the step. He got up once he saw me and he smiled.

"Josh....Diamond...look Josh I didnt mean to hurt Diamond...hell I never dreamed of hurting Diamond...but my mom is all I got...Cassie was black mailing me....Her dad owns the company my mother works for and she said she was going to get my mom fired if I went out with Diamond. I couldnt let my mom go down like that" Mareoa says taking a breath.

"You could have told me dude...we were friends....Best friends at that....hell I would have told Diamond and you wouldnt have gotten in trouble...dont expect me to just be friends with you again...This isnt the Charlie Chocolate Factory im not just going to take you in and let you take over....This isnt some magical gum drop land I have feelings." Frog says.

I had nothing to say...I was speechless.

"Its fine Frog I didnt expect you to forgive me so easily....but man consider the fact I really feel like if we were friends again the old stuff could come back. Ive been slipping latetly but josh your my bro and no matter what I got your back" Mareoa says.

"Awww bromance"  I say.

Frog scowls me. "Aye no hard feelings man.....but what are you guys gonna do about Cassie?" Frog ask.

"Play it off until we can get a legal team" Mareoa says.

"Well count me in then" Frog says.

Mareoa laughs. "Welcome back...Frog" .

"Now Mareoa tomorrow at school ignore me and Frog like you always do..then at practice....Im gonna come out the locker room and Im gonna walk up to you and hug you in front of Cassie...dont hug back...I just wanna play with the lil bitch" I


Frog smiles. "Diamond is a evil, short latte'....a smart latte'" Frog says.

I laugh. "Really? Get in the house butt hole" I say shoving him inside.

"Bye Mareoa" I say giving him a quick hug.

He waves goodbye and I shut the door.

"Im not that short" I whine.

"Haha says the girl that cant reach the top of my refrigerator" Frog says.

I scowl him. "Im gonna prank you one of these wont see it coming" I say.

Frog looks at me amused.

"Trust me love muffin....The frog is always prepared" he says ruffling my hair.

I laugh....Frog just started a prank war.


Short Filler Chapter......Do you think Frog did the right thing forgiving Mareoa?

Let me know.....P.s YES the updates short....thats because im breaking the schedule to let you guys see another update...Well VOTE COMMENT FOLLOW....-XOXO-DESTINI

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