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Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.

                                         -Maya Angelou

*Diamonds POV*

My grandma never really liked my hair up....she says it takes away from my face. I disagree. Ive always loved my hair up.

Tonight I was wearing it down. I had to make sure I got Mrs.Vasquez this job. I hope all works out.

"Diamond are you ready?" Mrs.Vasquez says. 

I nod.

"Hey dear no matter what happens Ill find something" she says rubbing my straight hair.

I turn and look at her. "Thanks so much" I say.

We share a quick hug before we make our way downstairs to Mareoa.

He is sitting on the couch in the living room.

I make my way towards him and he bends down and kisses my forehead.

"Your hair is gorgeous" he says.

My cheeks get heated and I smile.

"Thanks" I say.

"Okay you two love birds lets get going" Mrs.Vasquez says.

We look at each other before linking arms and walking out with Mrs.Vasquez.

*1 hour later*

We made it to the house at 6:00 on the dot.

I grabbed the key from under the flower pot and opened the door.

The smell of fried chicken hit my nostril.

"Grandma!!" I yell.

"Diamond is that you?" she ask.

"Yeah with guest" I say.

She comes inside the room.

"Mareoa!!" she says grabbing him into a hug.

"Hello Mrs.Lane" he says.

She smiles and looks at his mom.

"Who is this Diamond?" she ask.

"Grandma this is Mrs.Vasquez" I say.

"Oh Mareoa's mom" she says holding her hand out.

His mom shakes hands with my grandma and they both start chatting.

I then grab Mareoa and go towards the dining room.

I walk in to Frog,my grandfather, my aunt and my cousins.

The first to greet me is my grandfather.

"Hey baby girl"he says kissing my cheek.

I kiss his cheek back. "Grand dad you know Mareoa.." I say.

They shake hands and I look around the room.

"You act like you cant speak" I hear that voice say.

I turn around to see the lady that gave me the attitude I had....the one that taught me to stand up for myself....

That ladies name is aunt Queen and trust me...She acts like royalty.

"Hey aunt Queen" I say.

"Diamond your looking more like a model everyday" she says.

I smile "Thanks" I say.

"I met your friend Frog here...that boy is soo cute and goofy...I should get your cousin with him" she says.

My eyes get wide. "Aunt Queen dont start" I say.

She holds her hand up surrendering.

I take a hard breathe and sit down next to Mareoa.

Now we had to wait on everybody to come sit down and the food to be done.

*30 minutes later*

Everybody had their food and we were conversating.

I decided now was the time to ask my grandma.

"So grandma" I start.

She looks at me.

"Yes dear?" she ask.

"Cassie is about to get Mrs. Vasquez fired and I really need your help grannie....If you could find something for Mrs.Vasquez to do that would be awesome" I say.

My Grandma looks at my Grandpa and he nods.

"Mrs.Vasquez do you know anything about computers?" my grandma ask.

Mareoa's mom nods.

" start Tomorrow....You will be making $50.00 an hour and I expect you here at 7:30 sharp" my grandma says.

"Oh yes ma'am you have my word" she says.

"Good" my grandma says.

Mareoa grabs my hand under the table.

I look at him and he give me a smile.

I return it but that smile was about to be washed off my face.

The door bell ringed.

"Ill get it" my grandmother says.

She dissapears through the kitchen and I can hear the door unlock.

"OMG DIAMOND RUN" My grandma says.

My stomach drops. I get up and grab Mareoa.

I make a dash towards the back door and I keep running towards the corn field. I ran this path too many times.

I made my left at the scare crow and I found the underground bunker.

"Hurry Mareoa" I say signaling him to climg down.

He climbs down and shuts the door.

I find the string that turns the light on and I illuminate it.

I cant believe he found me.

"Whats going on...who are you running from?" he ask.

"My Step-father" I say.

He doesnt ask another word.

Then I hear the foot steps. I cut the light and pull Mareoa into the hidden bunker.

I held my breathe....If he heard me I knew he would hurt me....he did it too many times before.


What do you think happened between Diamond and her step dad?

-Just a short chapter.....hmmm tell me what you think....VOTE COMMENT FOLLOW.SHOW SOME LOVE PLEASE-XOXO-DESTINI

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