I finally get to punch your face

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Not edited....sorry for mistakes


*Friday Nights Game*

Alot of people showed up.  When I say alot I mean the whole student body was there. Thats what it looked like.

My grandmother and my grandfather are here also.

Lets hope I dont get on the court and look like an ass. Alot of people are counting on me as captain...the team is well prepared and I know we can take home this victory.

"Coaches....Captains" the ref yells.

Coach,me and my co-captain come over. The ref makes us stand on a line. He calls the other teams coach,co captain  and captain  we all shake hands and go back to our group.

It was time for us to start and coach wanted me to serve first.

My head was in the game. I refused to lose.

I grabbed the ball and got ready....

The  whistle blew....and I hit it.

The ball went over and they recieved it. A girl from the other side bunped it over. It was coming my way.

"Clear out its mine" I say.

The girls on my team back up as I bump  it. My co captain is behind me as she sets it and then I jump up and spike it. The girls on the other team scramble to get the ball.

Nobody can get it before it hits the ground.

We made the first point of the game.


I laugh. We do our rotation and Cassie goes to serve.

I dont like her but I dont want her messing this up. She over hand serves so this should be interesting.

The whistle blew and she went into the serve.

She did a net serve giving us another point.

She did good but coach would make her run. Net serves are too close from being net.

Their coach called a time out and we all left the court. We walked over and coach praised me for the spike.

"Cassie after the game I want 5 laps that was a risky serve" coach says to her.

"what play you wanna run captain?" one of the girls asked me.

I smiled and thought. "Red Robin" I say.

They all get smirks. This is our favorite play. We let them get a point in and when they go to serve we usually cheer "Tweet Tweet Red Robin Red Robin" and when it comes over I yell red robin which signals the ball has to be hit by my co captain then she says "Tweet Tweet" and thats when I come up and set it so Kelsey our freshman can spike it.

"Okay Pirates on three...one,two,three....PIRATES" I scream. The buzzer then goes off signaling to us it was time for us to go back on the court.

We get back out into our position and one of our girls goes to serve.

She underhands so if she aims it right it can go over and we can start our Red Robin plan.

She aims it right and as soon as the whistle blows Boom! she hits it right into the net 

We all go over and hit her hand signaling she did a good job.

The other team looked confused but was happy to be put on the board.

Now they had the ball and it was our turn to play them.

"Keep your eye on the ball" Coach says.

I nod my head and start off our chant "TWEET TWEET RED ROBIN RED ROBIN" I shout.

The girls join in as the girl starts swinging her arm. She falls thru with her serve and while the ball is in the air I do my next part

"Red Robin!"

my co captain goes up and bumps it "Tweet Tweet" I come up and set it

"Red Robin number 2" Kelsey comes up and spikes the ball. The girls on the other side scramble for the ball.

Nobody gets it. 3-1 was the end of the first quarter.

*3 hours later*


"Pirates win Pirates Fight.....We kicked ass tonight!" we screamed when we went into the locker room.

I went to my locker and unlocked it throwing my volley ball shoes in them.

I then went to my jersey and took it off. I was now in my sports bra...and I was planning to walk out of their like that.

I took my volley ball shorts and my jersey and threw them in our pile of  clothes to be washed.

I then found my sweat pants and slipped them on. I grabbed my nike duffle bag and was about to head out til something caught my ear.

"That dumb ass play....she did it so I couldnt touch the ball...that bitch is gonna pay" I heard Cassie say.

I was up and tired of her. "Problem bitch?" I ask turning to Cassie.

She gives off a laugh. "Yes bitch I do have a problem....you dont like me and I dont like you either...stay the hell away from Mareoa and I wont have a problem...but if you want to I can gladly beat your ass." she says.

I laugh. "You wanna know something Cassie?" I ask.

She turns to me. "what is it?" she says annoyed.

"George and Frog arent in this locker room....I can finally punch your face" I say.

Before she can process it I sock her right between the eyes. Her head hits the locker behind her and she goes to the ground.

"And bitch tell Mareoa to stop trying to talk to me" I say.

Before I can officialy make it out the door my co-captain walks up to me. "I was gonna stop you...but that bitch needed a good ole' country ass whooping" she says.

I let out a chuckle as we both walk thru the doors. The first person to greet us....Mareoa.

Well this is gonna be fun....hint my sarcasm.


*Lol cliffhanger....sorry guys....Ive signed up for a summer camp and basicly im gonna be helping little kids out....its gonna be fun I guess...and well lets just say I LOVE YOU GUYS...I will still be updating just at a later time....VOTE COMMENT FOLLOW PLZ-XOXO-DESTINI

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