Hospital Brawl

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HEY GUYS A UPDATE FOR YOU LOVELY PEOPLE TO READ...I KNOW ITS KIND OF SHORT BUT SORRY GUYS I have writers block It sucks....Welp lets get into the chapter!!



Love is like chocolate, its sweet, but can cause you serious problems- Love realizes Peter.

My dad stopped in front of the hospital and sighed.

"Diamond...look..if things are true about your mom they will come to the light." he says.

I nod my head and wipe my tears.

"Dad...why would she lie to me?" I say.

He doesnt give me a answer...instead he engulfs me in a tight hug.

"Diamond I have no Idea but sweet pea...Im here if you need to talk..Im seriously glad I found you again" he says.

"Daddy...I love you...Im glad you came back" I say looking at him.

He kisses my forehead and I get out. I start walking towards the hospital until I hear my name.

I turn around and my dad is looking at me.

"Sweet pea...I love you too.. ill be back in the morning to check on you" he says.

I nod and continue going into the building.

I make my way towards the floor Mareoa's room is on.

I get on the elevator and press his floor number.

"Wait!!" I hear a voice exclaim.

I stop the elevator and I quickly regret that. Cassie walks into the elevator and rolls her eyes.

I close my eyes and pray. Cassie really shouldnt mess with me right now before I do her like Solange did Jay-Z.

"I came to see Mareoa" she randomly told me.

"Same" I say.

"Your not mad?" she ask.

I sigh. "No Cassie..why would I be?" I ask.

"I thought you didnt like me?"  she ask.

"I never said I did...sometimes you have to be a bigger person" I say looking at her.

The elevator comes to a stop and I get out.

I walk up the hall and into Mareoa's room.

His mom is in the chair sleep and he is listening to music.

"Mum...go home...Diamond is here" Mareoa says

Mrs.Vasquez yawns and gets up.

"ill be back in the morning...Get some rest" she says.

Mareoa nods and Mrs.Vasquez comes over and hugs me.

"Your a great girlfriend to him..Thanks so much Diamond" she says.

I hug her back and she opens the door to Cassie standing on the opposite side of it.

"I ummm-I" Cassie stutters.

"Come in Cassie" I say.

Mrs.Vasquez walks out and closes the door.

Mareoa looks at Cassie in pure disgust.

"Why are you here?" He ask her.

"To see if you are okay" Cassie answers.

"Im fine" he says.

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