Yin & Yang

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ive been VERY VERY busy im soo sorry guys like fr...im truly sorry plzz for give me honestly I have to do better but.....aye yooo....lets get into this chapter....THIS CHAPTER IS NOT EDITED SORRY FOR MISTAKES


*2 Months later*

December has been too cold this year. Like dumb cold. Everybody at West Point is looking forward to Christmas though. That is the best time of the year.Frog and I have to shop for Mareoa and our familys so this is going to be hectic.

If you guys are wondering about my grandpa he is doing excellent...they released him....my mom on the other hand has tried to contact me alot. I picked up once but we didnt really talk about anything.

I forgot to tell you guys...Frog and Abi are dating...it is soo freaking cute. I fan girl over them like I fan girl over Ed Sheeran.

"DIAMOND....." Frog yells and shakes me out my trance.

I look towards him.

"The hell you want?" I ask.

He chuckles.

"Im getting you these for Christmas" he says holding up a pair of beige granny panties.

"I will feed you to a wolf before that happens" I tease.

He scowls at me and puts the panties down.

We leave out of Victoria Secret and make our way towards bath and body works.

I decide to get 4 gift baskets...One for my grandma, Mareoa's mom, Frog's mom and George's mom.

I went to the counter and paid for them.

"Lets go to Hollister" Frog suggest.

I nod and we make our way down the stairs of the mall to the main floor. Hollister was sitting on the right and we crossed over to that side.

Hollister smelt so good. The smell of the clothes was like getting a new car.

We went in there and I got tank tops for Frog and George. I paid for them secretly and then got a dress for Abi.

I sat in a chair amd waited for Frog to finish.

When he was done we came out and went to KAY jewlers.

I wanted to get my grandpa something and also something else for my grandma.

I walked in and immediately regretted it.

"Hey beautiful long time no see?" my dumb ex said.

I roll my eyes.

"Devin what are you doing here?" I ask.

He smiled at me.

"Dont act like you dont miss me" he says.

I scowl just as Frog walks in.

Frog protectively pushed me behind him.

"What do you want with my sister?" Frog asked.

Devin looked at Frog like he was crazy.

Devin is 6'7,brown skin, green eyes and was against interracial relationship.

He never trusted them. Devin also is a big time thug....something I had to get away from.

"Aye look Devin...we dont wanna be rude but we got some business to handle" I say getting in front of Frog and pulling him toward the display case.

"Alright then Diamond see you around" Devin said.

I didnt acknowledge him. I went iver to find the gift I needed for Mareoa.

I knew it had to be special if it wasnt I dont know what I would do with myself.

I searched and searched the display caae til I found it.

Yin Yang symbols made out of black and white diamonds. It was perfect. Kind of represented me and Mareoa a little.

I sat there until a lady came from the back room and saw me.

"How can I help you" she asked.

I pointed to the necklaces and she looked at me with twinkling eyes.

"Opposites attract....hmm who is the lucky guy?" she asked.

I smiled. "My boyfriend his name is Mareoa...the symbols fit us we arent the same color." I explain.

She stop and looks at me.

"Honey...let me tell you something...Color doesnt matter....what matters is what you two give each other...everybody has their opinion but, never let anybody tell you different....you and him are perfect I bet" she says.

I feel my cheeks get red.

"Ive never seen chocolate turn red oh my my girl that boy has you love struck" she says ringing up the necklaces.

"Kind of" I reply.

She gives me my total and I swipe my card.

I wait a couple seconds for the receipt. When I get it I put it in the bag and wave to the lady. Frog is still looking at jewelry when I tap his head.

He snaps around and we make our way out the mall.

I think about what the lady told me in the store.....Color doesnt matter....it never has and never will...Thats why I love Mareoa...he accepted me for who iam.


sorry for the late updates again...Im trying...sadly there are onky 4 more chapters to this book *cries*

Yeah I know but my new projects will be better....you wont miss Diamond and the gang for long they will be back..just not in the spotlight anymore...VOTE COMMENT FOLLOW....Until tomorrow - Destini

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