A night to remember Part 1

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Heyy Dareoa's and Frabi's I hope you enjoy this chapter....THIS CHAPTER IS NOT EDITED SORRY FOR MISTAKES


Living life is the best way to stay alive...-Anonymous

"DIAMOND ITS TIME TO GET UP!" Frog yelled in my ear.

I opened my eyes to him on top of me.

"MAREOA!!!!" I scream.

Mareoa comes running into the room.

"Frog leave Diamond alone you know she gets cranky"he says.

I scowl at him and throw the covers off me.

Before I could get out of bed Mareoa pounced on me.

"Who are you scowling at?" he asked.

I let out a small giggle.

"Im scowling at you Vasquez" I say.

He looks at me for a split second and then kisses down my jawline. The kisses trail all the way down my neck until some one ruins the moment.

That some one just so happened to be George.

"Well Im gone for a while  and all this stuff happens" he says.

I feel a huge grin come on my face.

"GEORGE.....I MISSED YOU" I scream jumping out the bed and rushing towards him.

I jump into his arms and he catches me.

"I missed you too!!" he says.

"What happened? Where did you go?" I interrogated.

He smiled. "London...my dad wanted some family time so we all went to london" he says.

"Wow....you have to tell me all about it later...right now I think you should put me down before Mareoa gets the wrong idea" I say.

We look at Mareoa and he looks fustrated.

George releases me and I go over to Mareoa.

"Get your bros out my room and tell Abi to come in here....I know she is down stairs" I say.

He nods and kisses my forehead.

I grab my sports bra and boxers and head into the bathroom to start my regular routine.

*45 minutes later*

I came out the shower and dryed off and put my sports bra and boxers on. I exited the bathroom to Abi sitting on edge of the made up bed...I didnt remember making it up.

"Hey who made up the bed?" I ask.

"Mareoa" she sings.

"He is soo cute to you" she adds on.

I let out a low chuckle and she smiles.

"Whats the plan for the day" she says while I look through the closet.

"Well first...I have to find a outfit so me and you can go to wal-mart and get the stuff for the movie mash up tonight...I also wanna get some pillows and stuff because the volleyball girls and some of the football players are going to come and do the mash up with us....then we have to drive to the country so we can pick up my cousins and then trick or treating and so on" I say still looking through my closet.

I finally find something to wear.

I grab my rainbow colored parachute pants and my white nike forces.....I then grab my white tube top and look at Abi.

"Unless you wanna see my boobs Id advise you to turn around" I say.

She turns the opposite way and I quickly toss my sports bra and replace it with the tube top.

"you can turn now...I wear underwear so you wont see anything too revealing." I say.

She turns around and I slip my parachute pants on.

I then move towards the table and put deodorant, lip gloss and lotion on.

For my hair I combed it off my shoulder and let it rest on my butt.

"Diamond...you really should Model" Abi says.

I look at her. "Abi if I model you should too" I say.

She looks at me and then at her. "Diamond...have you seen me?....Im hideous...I cant even get Frog to notice me." she mumbles.

I look at her body figure.

"Abi....Im about to transform you" I say.

She pushes her glasses up on her face and sighs.

"Should I be scared?" she asked.

"I dont think so" I say.

*1 hour later *

"Finished" I say curling the last part of Abi's hair.

I give her a mirror and the first thing I hear is a big gasp.

I let her have my Diamond Tank...my white levi shorts and I paired the oufit with her white sandals.

For her hair I gave her a chinese bang and the rest of her hair was curled.

Frog was going to fall hard for Abi....I knew it for a fact.

"Come on we are going to take my white car to wal-mart to pick up some stuff" I say.

Abi nods and we make our way downstairs.

Mareoa looks at me and grunts.

"Mareoa Cold shower" George says.

I giggle and kiss Mareoa's lips.

I then look at Frog and he is looking at Abi.

She looks at me concerned and I slap frog.

"Ow....Diamond what was that for?" he ask.

"Stop being a perv" I say.

He scowls at me and kicks me in the leg.

"You two stop...babe go get the snacks...and take George while me and Frog set up" Mareoa says.

I nod and grab my keys from the key dish on the counter.

"Lets head out Abi and George" I say exiting the house.

They both follow behind me and we all get inside my Range Rover.

"Hold up...since when can you drive?" George ask.

I smile and reach into my pocket.

I flash my license and say no more.

I started the car and we sped off to Wal-mart.


Im doing this in sections for a reason....Im trying to stretch the chapter out. So guys tell me what you think.

Hmm George is officially back and I think you guys missed him more then I did....VOTE COMMENT FOLLOW....PLZ



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