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I didnt go back on my promise....so dont think Im a lier.....THIS CHAPTER IS NOT EDITED SORRY FOR MISTAKES......


Smile Now Cry Later-Tupac Shakur

*Friday Nights Game*

"PIRATES ON 3..1...2...3...PIRATES!!!" I scream.

The crowd was hype and so were my girls...We were undefeated so far and were terrified....that all could end tonight.

Harris County has been undefeated for 4 years and I heard they were very good. The Pirates had to be better then them if we wanted to be undefeated. If we won tonight they would have their first lose.

We had to win.....I needed this win...if we got this win I knew for sure this pep rally was going to be the best pep rally in the history of West Point High.

I was going to drive these girls to victory.

"LANE!!!!" Coach screams.

I snap out my thoughts and meet her on the court.

"Whats you body weight for this game?" she asked.

"115" I reply.

She looks at her chart....

"Perfect....If I put you in the game and keep you in all game you think you can do that?..these Harris county girls can stay in a long time I need you on your feet" she says.

I give her a look in the eye and I grab the volleyball.

"Im ready" I say.

She pats my shoulder.

"You do that!" she says.

I run up to the serve line and wait til the whistle blows....I go into my serve and it goes over.

A tall girl in the front recieves it and send it back over.

It came straight to me I yelled got it and bumped Khyleigh sets it and then I jump up and spike it towards the shortest girl on the court....she had late reaction and the ball hit the floor next to her.

My team mates bump my fist as the girls on the other side scowl at me.

We do our rotation and My co captain goes to serve.

He over hand serve goes over and the short girl bumps it. Another sets it and the tallest spikes it....my way.

I was on my toes though...I quickly slid to my knees and bumped it back over. The tall gurl bumped it back over and my girls quickly scramble for it....

Kelsey bumps it and Khyleigh sets it again.

I jumped up to spike it but Cassie pushes me out the way and hits it....The worst part is...it hit the net.The other team scored.

I look at her and I was really about to punch her. I charge toward her and she bags back.

The ref comes over and calls a time out on us.

"You girls better not fight....the hell is wrong with you two? Lane I expected more out of you and Cassie....the hell was that...Lane clearly had it" Coach yells at us.

"She didnt call it" Cassie says.

"Thats bull shit Lopez you saw her going for it before you ran your happy ass up there...Im benching your ass...Go sit down...Rachel get on the court" Coach yells.

I look at her and she looks at me. "Get out there and recover....Dont let this happen again Diamond" she says.

I nod my head go back to the court.

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