More Drama then Pretty Little Liars

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Hey let me just make this clear...I dont care if you dont like this book...I didnt put a gun to your heads besides my bestfriend jasmine (jk) but yeah im not going to complain :)...lets get into this....THIS CHAPTER IS NOT EDITED SORRY FOR MISTAKES



The woman walked out of the room but not before she made one last eye contact with me.

When she officially left out I looked at Mareoa.

"What?"  he says.

"That lady had the same necklace my mom did...Roman gave my mom that necklace" I say.

"He could have bought it from one of those stores that sales more then one of the same products Diamond" he says.

I nod my head in disagreement.

"Mareoa I was with him the day he went and got that made for her...he styled that himself" I explain.

"Diamond..go after her....but be careful" he says.

I get up and look at him.

He grabs me by the waist and gives me a short passionate kiss.

"I love you Hershey" he teases.

"I love you more Boo bear" I say walking towards the door.

I wave at everybody in the room and search for the nurse.

I spot her at the end of the hall and she goes into a room.

I follow her into the exact same room and she turns to me.

"Im sorry but you want be in here" she says.

"Where did you get that necklace?" I ask ignoring her question.

"Thats none of your business" she says.

I glimpse over her body and I look down at her ankle.

She had a rose tattoo going around her ankle. The same one as my mom.

"Your my mom...I know you are..Why did you lie and tell people you were dead?"I ask.

She shakes her head at me.

"Im not your mother....obviously you have me mistakened..Im sorry but If you dont leave me alone ill have to call security" she says.

A single tear rolls to my cheek.

"Fine....but when you wanna find me...ill be with my REAL father...remember him?..Nayeli Byers?...Native American...Long hair...Ceo...Not the man you trusted to keep me" I rant.

I dont wait for her to reply...I exit the door and make my way towards Mareoa's room again.

I get halfway there and I see the elevator doors open and my dad comes out.

"Daddy!" I cry as I run towards him.

"What wrong princess?" he ask.

" isnt dead" I say.

He looks at me like im crazy and I grab his hand.

"Come say hi to Mareoa ill explain later...but we need to go see Grandma" I say.

He nods and I pull him towards Mareoa door.

Before I can pull it open he taps me.

"Dry your eyes I dont think Mareoa wants to see you cry" My dad says.

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