Alabama State

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HEYYYYY GUYS I KNOW THIS CHAPTER IS SHORT BUT.....Color doesnt matter will come to an end soon.... We just need to get through a little more problems then I can write The Bad Boy Mows My Lawn.....Trust me you wont miss Diamond and the gang for long....they will be back....anyways lets get into this chapter....THIS CHAPTER IS NOT EDITED SORRY FOR MISTAKES


Iam in my room at this very moment packing for the trip to Alabama with my dad and Mareoa.  They were very excited....I was too but my future is something I havent thought much about I love dancing....I love the law....I want a kid....but doing all of that is tough. Something has to come first and right now I dont know what that is.

I have to find out soon...I dont have much time....We take test soon and I needed these last 2 credits so I can graduate.

I already knew where I wanted to go...I just dont know what I wanna study.

My dad says I should take up Law but I wanna take dance....I already know what your thinking.

Double majoring in both will be hard to try to do. Trying to remember dance moves and the law is hard. I wont give up though....As long as im a Lane I will fight for what I want.

"You ready?" my dad ask me.

I nod and grab my suite case.  I wheel it out my grandparents place and into the back of the taxi.

I slide in next to Mareoa and he put an arm around my shoulder.

"Goodmorning Beautiful" he says into my ear.

"Goodmorning handsome" I say lowly.

"Still sleepy?" he ask.

I nod and he pulls me closer snuggling me into his chest.

I dont resist and bury my face deeper into his chest.

I felt my eyes get heavier as we pulled off from the country.

*Mareoa's POV*

As Diamond fell asleep against my chest I started to think.

I love her alot....but if I have to move to Alabama we will have to do long distance and I dont know if she wants that or not.

I dont even know if she wants to stay together after high school. We could just be a high school fling.

Diamond will always have my matter what she chooses to do.

Im just hoping she wants to continue being in my life. I might sound crazy saying this but....I want Diamond Lane to grow old with or not...I want to see her happy...Her smile is so wonderful she can light up a room.

I cant see myself with anybody else....Diamond was the only girl I wanted.

I will have alot to discuss with her when time comes....Until then let me see what Alabama State has to offer me.

*5 hours 15 minutes later*

~Diamonds POV~

I looked out the window of the car and smiled. Alabama state was huge. This campus was like none of the ones Ive seen before.

My dad lead the way for us into the main part of the building. There, a man came and showed us to the field.

"Nayeli Byers.....Long time no see" a very tall African American man says to my dad.

My dad smiled.

"Nice to see you too Reggie" he says.

The man looks past him at me and Mareoa. 

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