Hospitals Suck

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Hey guys..hope you all had a safe night was scary....boxes and stuff were left on my door somebody key'd my neighbors car and it was hectic...but I hope you all are alright....lets head into this chapter...THIS CHAPTER IS NOT EDITED SORRY FOR MISTAKES


When I made it to the hospital I ran straight to my grandma. She was sitting on the seat crying her eyes out.

When she noticed me we gave each other a big hug and sat in the waiting room. I couldnt stop crying....the tears rolled and rolled.

My grandfather was my bestfriend...we didnt agree on everything, but he had my back through it all.

If I lost that my world was going to burn. I knew it.

My grandma finally broke the silence and looked at me.

" and your grandfather arent going to be around that long...we are passing Lanes Market down to you..we want you to make something out of it...when you have kids give it to them so they can pass it down...dont just let it rott..all these new businesses have grown and takened over...Lanes Market is the only sweet home the country people have..." she says.

I take a deep breathe.

"I will make sure nothing happens to the grew on me" I said.

She gave me a fake smile as the same doctor that diagnosed me with insomnia walked up to us.

This is why hospitals suck...doctors are hard to read.

"Nice to see you both again...I have good news and bad news" the  doctor starts.

"Okay go ahead" me and my grandma say at the same time.

"good news...he is recovering....bad news...he will lose function of the right side of his body..." the doctor says.

I hear my grandma sigh next to me. Im relieved but then again it struck a nerve in me.

My grandfather wouldnt be able to do alot of stuff he use to do.

"Can we see him?" my grandma ask interrupting my thoughts.

The doctor nods and tells us the room number.

We go down a long hall and stop at the door.

My grandma peeks in and then opens it wide enough so she and I can fit.

My grandfather is lying in the bed looking pale. I shiver at the sight.

"Honey are you okay?" my grandma ask to my granpa.

He nods his head and come over.

He looks at me and I bend down to kiss his cheek.

He gives off a painful smile.

He didnt say anything at all. it was like he was scared to. I was scared for my grandpa.

I think its time I pay a visit to an old friend that I havent talked to since I was 12.

I wonder if he would hear me out.

"Grandma...can I get the keys...I will be back" I say.

She nods and hands me the keys.

I jog out the hospital and make my way towards the car.

I get in and take off with one destination on my mind.

●7 minutes later●

I made it to the parking lot and I sighed. I cut the car off and made my way into the building.

There he was.

Nailed to his cross.

My savior.


I got close to the statue and got in my praying position.

Nobody was there so my prayer was out loud. I had to let it all out.

"Jesus...its been a while im sorry for that...I need to find my way back to you...I really do...I just wanted to ask you to watch over my grandpa....he is really sick...Also watch over my grandma soo sorry very sorry i hope you can forgive your name...Amen" I say ending my prayer.

Before I can open my eyes I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I turn around to see somebody I wanst mom.

"I knew you would be here" she says.

I get to my feet and knock her arm off me.

"What do you want?" I ask confused.

she sighs.

"I wanna try to explain this all to you" she says.

I nod and we sit down on a church bench.

" sorry for that day in the hospital...I just...I just wasnt ready to face you...I was scared" she starts.

"Scared of what?" I ask.

"I was scared you would deny me" she says.

I dont say a word as I wait for her to continue.

"I never intended to give you up...but when Roman tried to kill me...I wasn't thinking....he sent all these men after I entered a witness protection name now is Ginger Hayes..I made sure I kept up with Annie...she raised you for me...she gave you what I couldnt...and your dad he never came back" she said.

I shook my head in disagreement. 

"No my dad was going to come back you couldnt wait sent his stuff in boxes and when he tried to find me he couldnt." I spat.

"Diamond...what are you talking about?" she asked.

"What our daughter is trying to say is...I never were the one running" a familiar voice said from behind us.

I turned around and looked at my father.

Oh boy....this was going to be interesting.....


Short because im updating tomorrow......VOTE COMMENT FOLLOW and if you like it please let me know.

awww man a Mareoaless chapter....

What you guys think is going to happen between Diamonds mom and dad?


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